The seven year long
Tribulation period that is coming is transitional
period that leads from our present fallen world with Satan as the “god of
this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) into the next period in world history, the righteous
kingdom age with Christ as King for a thousand years. The Tribulation is a time
of God’s righteous outpoured wrath on a Christ-rejecting world (Rev. 6:16-17;
11:18; 14:10; 15:1, 7; 16:1, 19; 19:15). It is a period that prophetically will
bring the world into full focus on Israel and the Holy Land (Daniel 9:24-27).
It is also a time during which Satan will do his most obstinate, rebellious, maniacal
best to defy God and His plans. But He will be soundly defeated (Rev. 19 and
The purpose of the
Tribulation is that through God’s strong hand His wrath would wake up Israel to
their Messiah Jesus making them a force for the spread of the gospel in the
Tribulation period (cf. Revelation 7 and 14). God’s just judgment on the world
during this time is also meant to shake up Christ rejecters so that they would
repent of their sins and turn to Jesus. (Unfortunately we know most will
persist in unbelief – cf. Rev. 9:20-21; 16:9-11). Lastly, God’s judgment on the
world will serve as a type of fumigation of this world to prepare it for the
return of Jesus Christ at the Second Coming when He will descend to the Mount
of Olives, establish His capitol in Jerusalem and rule this earth for a
Millennium (cf. Zech. 14; Rev. 19-20).
Christians, (those genuinely
born again of the Spirit through faith in Christ by God’s grace) will not go
through the Tribulation. Christians are saved from the coming wrath of God (1
Thess. 1:10; 5:9). The means by which Christians will be saved from the coming
period of wrath is the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the church described by Paul
in his first letter to the Thessalonians (1 Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-11).
If Christians aren’t going
through the Tribulation why should they care to know about the Tribulation? When
Jesus taught His disciples about the Tribulation period He said it would be a
time unmatched in history. “For
then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning
of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21). We may see events in history that
are similar to those found in the Tribulation (e.g. wars, natural disaster,
plagues, persecution). But the intensity of the events of the Tribulation will
dwarf what has occurred previously in history or will ever happen again. There
is a build up to the Tribulation. That being the case Jesus in His Olivet
discourses exhorted His followers to “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour
you do not expect” (Mat. 24:44). “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!” (Mark 13:37). “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with
carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you
unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who
dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you
may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to
stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke
21:34-36). Why would Jesus tell us to watch? If this is something believers
will not go through, why would Jesus speak in such detail about it and then
tell His followers to be watchful?
We are to watch because, as
Paul wrote in his first letter to the Thessalonians these end times events will
come “as labor pains upon a pregnant woman” (1 Thess. 5:3). These events will
show themselves gradually in increasing intensity so to a certain extent we
will be able to gauge the season in
which the end times events are unfolding (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11).
In the opening lines of
Revelation John says, “Things which must shortly take place” (Rev. 1:1). The word “shortly” (Greek en tachei) speaks of something speeding
up. The idea is much like a tachometer with the revolutions per minute of an
engine revving higher and higher. Tachometers have redlines that revving the
engine beyond a certain point will lead to damage of the engine that could be
terminal. The events of the end times and in particular the Tribulation period
will at first appear at an idle speed but then they will rev up to redline
explosive levels. If that is the case we
will be able to notice the increasing intensity of the developing prophetic
Here’s the reason why we
should be ready and watching for the Tribulation: If we pay attention we will be able to discern the pieces of the
prophetic puzzle falling into place. If we watch and pray we will see the
pre-Tribulation impregnation of the world with the events that will be fully
birthed in the Tribulation. And if we can see the beginning of Tribulation pieces
falling into place and the Rapture of the church occurs before that
Tribulation, then we know that it’s almost time to go home, to be Raptured by
Jesus out of this world. That is why we should be aware and ready for the
The Thessalonians thought the
Tribulation period was upon them. They had been shaken because of this. If the
Tribulation was upon them it meant they weren’t righteous. God was willing to
spare Sodom and Gomorrah if only 10 righteous people were in the cities. If the
Tribulation had come upon them it apparently meant God didn’t see them as
righteous; they were not saved from their sins (cf. Genesis 18). If they were
righteous then it meant God wasn’t because they were recipients of an unjust
wrathful judgment on justified in Christ people. And if the Tribulation was
upon them it meant they couldn’t trust God’s word (1 Thess. 2:13) or the
Apostle Paul who had previously taught them about the end times and the Rapture
of the church (1 Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-11). So you can see why it was important
for Paul to address this confusion.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Paul will lay out some particulars of the Tribulation. By doing this he will
show that the Tribulation wasn’t upon the Thessalonians; he will sooth their
heart; strengthen their faith; and help them to be informed and ready for the
future. And while the Tribulation did not come in their lifetime, it just may
occur in our time. So Paul’s inspired letter is important for us to study
closely so we can discern the times in which we live. Hopefully we are living
in the times leading up to Jesus’ return and the culmination of all things. So
let’s go to the word and see some of the particulars of the Tribulation.
2 Thessalonians 2:1–12 (NKJV) - Now, brethren,
concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to
Him, we ask you,
Paul opens his description of
the particulars of the Tribulation by referencing the base point of the
Rapture. It is at the Rapture; before the Tribulation period begins that there
will be a “gathering together to Him” of Jesus followers.
We know that Paul is
referring to the Rapture (which occurs before the Tribulation) and not the
Second Coming (which occurs at the conclusion of the Tribulation) because it is
at the Rapture that Jesus comes for His
saints “our gathering together to Him,” to rescue and remove them from the
world to save them from God’s coming outpoured wrath (compare 1 Thessalonians
4:17). At the Second Coming Jesus comes with
His saints (Zachariah 14:5; Revelation 19:14). At the Rapture Jesus comes
“in the clouds” to receive His saints (1 Thessalonians 4:17). At the Second
Coming Jesus comes with His saints to the earth on the Mount of Olives to
defeat those who have surrounded Jerusalem and begin His reign on earth
(Zechariah 14:3-4). If Paul were referring to the Second Coming then you would
have a situation where the saints on earth at His coming would rise up to meet
Jesus in the air and then make the largest U-turn in the history to return with
Him to the earth. That just doesn’t jive with the prophetic revelation of Jesus
returning to earth.
2 not to be soon shaken in mind or
troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though
the day of Christ had come.
The issue at hand is whether
or not the Tribulation is upon the Thessalonian Christians. But if that were
the case, it would also imply that the Rapture had occurred and they had been
left behind. The Thessalonians found that possibility very troubling. It shook
their faith. It would mean God had treated them unjustly by leaving them where
he was pouring out His wrath. It would also mean His word and promise were
unreliable. And it would shake their faith for the future; their hope.
Those teaching such a
falsehood did so “by spirit” or insinuating it by tones in conversation, “by
word,” by actually saying as much, “or by letter, as if from us,” which implies
the false teachers were using Paul’s name on pseudepigraphal letters that taught
their falsehood. Pseudo means false. Pigraphal refers to writings. False
teachers would circulate their falsehoods with the names of apostles used to
lend them credibility.
3 Let no one deceive you by any means;
Paul exhorts the
Thessalonians to not allow themselves to be deceived in any way or “by any
means.” There is one sure fire way to protect yourself from deception. The best
protection against false teaching, cults, heresy, and those who would try to
manipulate and abuse you is the truth of God’s word (John 17:17; Eph. 4:15). .
Therefore our best defense against deception is to study and know God’s word. To the Colossian church Paul exhorted,
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and
admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with
grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Colossians 3:16). In his letter to his
protégé Timothy Paul exhorted, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to
God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). There is no substitute to knowing God’s word as best
you can. I would encourage you to read through the Bible each year.
Commentaries and devotionals have their place, but they can never replace the
direct prayerful study of God’s word and relying on the Holy Spirit to
illuminate its contents (John 16:13; 1 Cor. 2:9-14).
for that Day will not come unless
Now Paul is going to address
the false teaching that the Tribulation had come upon them by giving
particulars about the prerequisites to the Tribulation coming. Paul is going to
indicate what must happen before the
Tribulation period takes place. By doing this and showing these things have not
taken place he proves the Tribulation has also not yet come about. What are
these prerequisites to the Tribulation?
the falling away comes first,
The first prerequisite to the
Tribulation is “the falling away.” The phrase “falling away” is a translation
of the Greek term apostasia. We get
the English term apostasy from this
word too. But the basic literal meaning of apostasia
is a removal, a departure. The
word can also mean backsliding,
rebellion, or apostasy, but the basic meaning is a departure.
I believe the Spirit who
inspired these words (2 Tim. 3:16-17) chose the term apostasia to communicate a dual prerequisite sign for the
Tribulation. I believe that apostasia points
us to a departure and removal of the saints
from the earth in a pre-Tribulation Rapture of the saints. Secondly, I
believe that leading up to the Tribulation period we will see an increased apostasy; a departure from
sound scriptural doctrine in the church. Interestingly, when we look at the
church of today we do see an increase in deviating from God’s word and sound
doctrine; we do see a rise in apostasy. New Evangelicalism is watering down and
redefining the classic and true definition of Biblical inerrancy (i.e. that the
Bible in its original autographs is without error: God does not err; The Bible
is God’s word; therefore the Bible does not err). We see a rise of Replacement
Theology where Israel is cast aside and replaced
by the church. Replacement Theology awkwardly tries to take God’s promises
to Israel and apply them to the church. Where such attempts come up against
difficulty in transferring God’s promises to Israel to the church then
scripture is allegorized to force an application. Cults are on the rise as
well. The gospel of salvation by God’s grace through faith in Christ alone is
being altered. Segments of the “church” are now teaching that faith in Christ
is not the solitary necessary mandatory criteria for a person’s being forgiving
their sins, born again by the Spirit, and entering God’s kingdom. The truth of
the necessity of being born again is purposefully neglected and discarded. Yes,
apostasy is on the rise.
There is something very
important for us to grasp here. Understand that the idea of an apostasy implies
that not everyone in the church is of the true church. Apostasy means there are
tares among the wheat in the church (Mat. 13:24-30). Just because you attend a
church doesn’t guarantee you will be among those who are raptured and
ultimately spend eternity with the Lord. Not everyone who claims to be a
follower of Jesus is a follower of Jesus (e.g. Matthew 7:21-24). Each person
should take Paul’s closing cautionary words to the Corinthians to heart –
“Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you
not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? – unless you are
disqualified” (2 Cor. 13:5). If you aren’t already, get serious with God.
Examine yourself to see if you are truly genuinely saved. Is Christ in you?
Without Jesus in you by the Spirit you do not belong to Him (cf. Romans
If apostasy is on the rise we
can be sure that the time of the Rapture is near. Look up my brethren, our
redemption is drawing nigh!
The Rapture and rising
departure from the faith are the first two prerequisites for the Tribulation to
and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
Paul here refers to a third
evidence of the Tribulation and that is the revelation or public rise of the
Antichrist. Satan is a deceiver. He is a counterfeiter. He sees himself as “God
Almighty” or deserving of such a place. And he will counterfeit Jesus with a
false christ, an antichrist. The prefix “anti” in the original language does
not only mean opposite of or opposed to, it
means instead of.
The Antichrist will be a “man
of sin.” He will be a man and he will be the embodiment of sin. He will deceive
and encourage sin. He is referred to here as “the son of perdition.”
“Perdition” (Greek apoleiai) means destruction, destruction, waste. “Perdition”
is a name for hell because hell is a place for ruined people, people who have
forfeited all good because of their sin. The Antichrist will be a “son of
perdition” because he will be known for the destruction, waste and ruin he
leaves in his wake. Those who follow the antichrist, who take his mark, will be
ruined (Rev. 16:2; 19:20).
The Antichrist figure will be
the prime and most powerful political world leader during the Tribulation. The
book of Revelation devotes an entire chapter to him (Rev. 13). He will
mesmerize and manipulate unbelievers throughout the world. How will he be able
to gain such power? Satan the counterfeiter will counterfeit the incarnation of
God in Christ by himself incarnating himself in Antichrist. The Bible says,
“The dragon [Satan] gave him his power, his throne, and great authority” (Rev.
Now in the days of the
writing of 2 Thessalonians, throughout history and up to our day, while there
have been many with the “spirit of antichrist” (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:1-3) “the
Antichrist,” the particular figure with this title has not come to power. The
spirit of Antichrist is characterized by lying, denying Jesus is the Christ,
and denies the Father and the Son. We see this spirit on the rise. But we do
not see the rise of Antichrist. The Antichrist has not been revealed. Therefore
the Tribulation could not be what the Thessalonians are experiencing.
4 who opposes and exalts himself above all
that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple
of God, showing himself that he is God.
The most identifiable action
of the Antichrist will be that he opposes and exalts himself above all other
authority both politically, ecclesiastically and militarily in this world, but
also over and against God Almighty Himself. The Antichrist will exalt himself as “God.” He very
literally will insert himself in the
place of God in God’s most Holy Temple.
The Antichrist will exalt
himself in a particular place. The
Antichrist will exalt himself as “God” “in the temple of God.” This is
important. While the Temple was still standing when Paul first wrote this
letter to the Thessalonians, no one had exalted himself as God in the Temple.
Some would say that Antiochus Epiphanies did this. Some would say that the
presence of Roman standards with emblems of pagan gods brought into the Temple
in 70 AD fulfill this. But the Tribulation did not ensue and any such figures
fail to meet the requirement of being a world figure.
What is important for us
today to recognize is that in order for
the Antichrist to exalt himself in the Temple of God THE TEMPLE MUST BE
REBUILT. There is no Temple of God standing today. But if ever the Temple
is rebuilt or we here of plans for it’s rebuilding, then we need to be ready
because a major part of the Tribulation period will be in place when the Temple
is rebuilt. Keep an eye out for this.
5 Do you not
remember that when I was still with you I told you these things?
Paul reminds the
Thessalonians of what he had previously taught them. As we see this reminder by
Paul to them it should urge us to regular review and check up on the prophetic
teachings of scripture. We need to be like “the sons of Issachar who had
understanding of the times” (1Cchronicles 12:32).
6 And now you
know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time.
refers to something “restraining” (Greek katecho)
something holding back, hindering,
preventing, restraining. Paul tells the Thessalonians “you know what is
restraining.” We may not know immediately what is restraining but they knew.
And whatever is restraining is holding back the revealing or rise to power of
the Antichrist. This is what Paul means when he says, “that he may be revealed
in his own time.” The context is Paul speaking about Antichrist. And the thing
to understand here is that God has a time
for this Antichrist to rise to power. That tells us that God is in control; Satan is not in control.
Satan and his diabolical counterfeit incarnation are being restrained by God. The
Antichrist cannot rise until God says so. And we know that before the
Tribulation and rise of Antichrist God’s saints
must be raptured out of the way.
7 For the
mystery of lawlessness is already at work;
Ever wonder how evil can so
rapidly and thoroughly proliferate? I’m sure the Thessalonians were wondering
that as they were persecuted for their faith. Don’t you wonder how our own
nation could so rapidly decline and fall away from its Christian heritage? It’s
mysterious to us.
The word “mystery” (Greek musterion) is not so much a hide and
seek idea. It’s not as though God has hidden certain things and people have to
figure it out. But musterion simply
refers to things that have not yet been
revealed by God. The church was a “mystery” until it was revealed in Christ
at Pentecost (cf. Eph. 2:11 – 3:21). The “mystery of lawlessness” refers to a
lawlessness that will be revealed in the Tribulation. Such lawlessness will be
pervasive in the Tribulation. Legislation will be used not to protect and guide
but to throw off restraint. And such lawlessness “is already at work.” There is
a spirit of lawlessness. An example of such lawlessness already at work would
be the present day legislation to allow for the murder of unborn children and
the legalization of same-sex marriages. What we are seeing now is only the tip
of the iceberg of what will be during the Tribulation.
only He who now restrains will do so
until He is taken out of the way.
Paul gives further
information on the restraining force. This restraining entity is not an
inanimate entity but in some way a personal “He.” And this “He” will be “taken
out of the way.” This has led to some commentators (and I agree with them) to
interpret these words as referring to the
Holy Spirit who works in and through the church to restrain evil in the world.
Before Antichrist can be revealed the church must be raptured or “taken out of
the way.
8 And then the
lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His
mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.
Only when there is a
noticeable apostasy and true believers have been raptured can the “lawless
one,” the Antichrist “be revealed. We may look at this figure and fear him. But
the Antichrist is no problem for the Lord. “The Lord will consume” the
Antichrist, “with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of
His coming.” Notice that the One who is coming is Jesus and that Jesus is
referred to here as “the Lord.” Jesus is “the Lord,” He is God and he is in
control. Jesus never ceases to be in control, no matter how bad things look,
Jesus is in control.
9 The coming
of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power,
signs, and lying wonders,
Now Paul gives us particulars
about the working of the Antichrist. He is the “lawless one” which means he
will be characterized by throwing off restraint of God’s law and law in
general. Antichrist will revel in anarchy, rebellion, and revolution.
Antichrist will operate
“according to the working of Satan.” Satan is a liar, deceiver and murderer
(John 8:43-44). Therefore Antichrist, the instrument of Satan, will serve to
implement all of Satan’s anti-God and antichrist ambitions. Antichrist may very
well try to lead people to worship Satan. Antichrist will be closely connected,
either overtly or covertly, with the worship of Satan. He may promote and
redaction of Biblical history to sympathize with the serpent of old.
Antichrist will be powerful.
He will function “with all power.” This implies he will appear to have “all
power,” no one will be able to challenge him. He will rise to a position of
world prominence.
Antichrist will be associated
with “signs, and lying wonders.” Antichrist, powered by Satan, will be able to
perform “signs” (Greek semeion) which
are used to establish him as having supernatural resources and which will
establish and evidence his power. But “lying wonders” (Greek terasin pseudous) or false omens, false portents. Antichrist
will be able to perform supernatural signs that give a false credibility to
him. He will associate his authority and power as coming from an otherworldly
source. That source some people will be deceived into believing is God. But in
reality the Antichrist’s otherworldly source is Satan.
The only way we can keep from
being deceived is by the discernment and illumination of the Spirit in those
who are born again (1 Cor. 2:12-14; 1 John 2:27; 4:4). Have you been born
again? Have you experienced the second birth; a spiritual birth through faith
in Jesus?
10 and with all
unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the
love of the truth, that they might be saved.
Who is it that the Antichrist
and in reality Satan deceives? The Antichrist will use powerful “unrighteous
deception among those who perish.” “Perish” (Greek apollumi) means ruin,
lostness, destruction, to be put to death, lost, perish. What characterizes
those who “perish”? Paul defines the perishing as those who “did not receive
the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” Those who willfully choose to NOT receive the love of the truth that
God sent in Christ and in His word, those who reject God’s truth that could
have saved them are those who Antichrist and Satan will own.
No one will be able to say on
judgment day, “The devil made me do it!” Those who perish and join Satan in
hell are those who were offered an opportunity to love God’s truth that could
have saved them but chose not to. A
willful rejection of God’s truth is what damns people and sets them up for
deception by the devil.
11 And for this
reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,
Understand this principle
that Paul lays out here: when you reject
God’s truth you open yourself to
delusion. Notice Paul states that “God will send them strong delusion.” God
will allow those who refuse His gracious gospel to be deluded by Satan. Satan
and Antichrist are in instrument of God’s judgment on the lost.
“Strong delusion” (Greek energeian planes) means literally working of error. Energeian means working, power, and efficiency. Planes means
wandering from the path of truth, error,
delusion. What is the nature of this strong delusion? Paul refers to this
delusion that God will send and give people over to as “the lie.”
That “lie” (Greek pseudo) is preceded by a definite
article “the” indicates that there is a particular lie god will give people who
refuse his grace over to. What might “the lie” be? I believe “the lie” points
us back to the first lie. The first
lie occurred in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). It was delivered by Satan who
had the form of an attractive serpent. This “lie” has three parts.
First, “the lie” began with getting Eve to question
God’s word. “The lie” of Satan the
serpent began with the words, “Has God said?” Similarly we can be sure that
“the lie” we will see used by Antichrist in the end times will aim at
undermining trust in God’s word. We see this today as inerrancy and inspiration
of God’s word the Bible is under attack.
Second, “the lie” involved adding to God’s word. The serpent commented to Eve, “You shall not eat of
every tree of the garden?” Satan misquoted God’s word and twisted its spirit.
Indeed, God had said Adam and Eve could eat of every tree in the Garden except
for “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat” (Gen. 2:16).
God’s word gave Adam and Eve only one restriction. Satan’s misquote of God’s
word made it seem like God restricted them from eating of any of the trees in
the Garden. Satan therefore manipulated God’s word to make God seem
unreasonable, unfair, restrictive, and a tempter who put luscious trees all
around Adam and Eve but then wouldn’t let them eat from them. Ever feel God’s
word is unfair, unreasonable, or restrictive? Guess who is feeding you those
lies? That’s right, Satan!
Third, “the lie” involved outright disobedience to
God’s word. The serpent got Eve to
question God’s word and then see it is unreasonable and unfair, then he hit her
with an outright blatant temptation to defy and disobey God’s word saying, “You
will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will
be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:4). Look
at what’s going on in these tempting words. The serpent says to Eve, “You will
not surely die.” In other words God lied to you. In other words, God doesn’t
have the will or power to cause you to die if you eat of that tree.” And look
at “the lie” about God’s character, His love, - “For God knows that in the day
you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good
and evil.” In other words, God is withholding information from you to protect
Himself. God doesn’t want you to be all you can be. God wants to keep you from
fulfilling who you should be. He doesn’t want any competition and He knows if
you eat of that fruit you will become “God.” This is a strike at the heart of
the God of love. Satan attacks God’s love because his view of love is not to
restrain in any way. But true love does warn and retrain those it loves when
danger is around. Satan, who wants to be “God,” tempts Eve with a false promise
that she could be “God.” He uses these words to tempt Eve to outright disobey
and rebel against God just like he did! And
in Eve’s and Adam’s following Satan’s lie they threw off the protective
covering of God and took on the shackles of sin.
God is going to give those
who choose to reject Him a strong delusion and that delusion is they will give
in to a mistrust of His word. Antichrist will deceive those who will perish by
undermining God’s word to them, twisting God’s word and then getting them to
outright disobey God’s word all by misrepresenting God.
12 that they
all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in
Lastly, the purpose of God
sending them strong delusion of “the lie” is to leave no doubt about their just
condemnation. “Condemned” (Greek krino)
means judged, separated, decided,
determined, condemned, punished, and decided. These “who did not believe the
truth” will be condemned for their sinful decision.
We are given insight into the
nature of their decision to not believe when Paul says of them, “but had
pleasure in unrighteousness.” “Pleasure” (Greek eudokeo) refers to delighting
in, consenting to, approving of, delighting in. “Unrighteousness” (Greek adikia ) refers to wickedness, injustice, wrongdoing, Instead of God’s righteousness
offered in the truth of Christ these people chose to accept “the lie” and
reject God. They then delight in, consent to, and approve of wickedness and
those things which God abhors. Can anyone doubt that we see such a mystery of
lawlessness at work and creeping over our world today? This is the spirit of
antichrist. This will all climax in a proliferation of evil during the
Tribulation period. It’s a time that has yet to come. It’s a time you don’t
want to be around to experience.
Having covered some pretty
heavy and serious Tribulation particulars Paul ends this chapter with some
encouraging words and a benediction blessing.
13 But we are bound to give thanks to God
always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord,
Paul expresses his
thankfulness for these faithful young in the Lord believers. He always thanks
the Lord for them. He reminds them that they are “beloved of the Lord.”
because God from the beginning chose you for salvation
God loves them and “from the
beginning chose you for salvation.” They can trust in the faithfulness of God
to save them from His righteous coming wrath.
through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the
And Paul reminds them of
God’s means of encouraging them and helping them grow in their relationship
with Him. “Through sanctification” God will continue to help them grow in
understanding and their spiritual maturity. “Sanctification” (Greek hagiasmo) refers to consecration, holiness, sanctification; it refers to growing in faith
and spiritual maturity. How do we live a sanctified life in Christ? “By the
Spirit” who works in us and through us to give us “belief in the truth.” The
Holy Spirit enables us to understand the scriptures (1 Cor. 2:9-14) and obey
them (1 Peter 1:2). The Spirit working God’s word in us and helping us apply
what He reveals to us is how we grow and mature in our faith (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
14 to which He called you by our gospel,
for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul reminds them of God’s
calling “by our gospel” and that the end of that gospel is “obtaining of the
glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” They had received Jesus as their Savior and
Lord. According to the gospel the Father in love sent His only Son Jesus to die
for our sins and whoever believes in Jesus is forgiven and given eternal life
(e.g. John 3:16). Their salvation brings glory to God in Christ. Paul reminds
them of this blessing.
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold
the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.
Paul exhorts the
Thessalonians to “stand fast” (Greek steko),
stand fast, persevere. In other words he tells them “don’t give up!”
Yes they are going through hard times but they need to press on.
Paul exhorts them to “hold
the traditions you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.” He tells them
to live by His teaching. “Traditions” (Greek paradosis) refers to “any kind of
teaching, written or spoken, handed down from generation to generation.” [1]
Traditions are good when they truly align with the word of God. In this verse
traditions are referred to by Paul in a good sense. However, Jesus pointed out
the danger of relying on traditions when they contradicted or undermined
scripture (Mark 7:3, 9, and 13). When Paul wrote to the Colossians he warned them
about the dangers of human traditions that could cheat believers and rob them
by preventing them from the fullness of scripture truths (Col. 2:8).
Traditions, along with human reason and
personal experience are important but each of these must always bow to the
authority of the word of God. [2]
Traditions or any teaching that is outside of scripture must still be verified
by and obedient to scripture. Human reason is important. We should ponder and
think and use the minds God has given us. But what we think and reason about
things must again bow to scriptural authority. Lastly personal experiences we
have may excite our feelings and be a source of rich blessing as we taste the
reality of God in our life. But human experiences must always be substantiated
in scripture. If we have an experience, can we find a similar experience in the
Bible? If not our experience becomes questionable.
16 Now may our
Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us
everlasting consolation and good hope by grace,
Paul concludes this section
with an awesome benediction. Paul speaks very personally saying, “our Lord
Jesus Christ Himself.” “Himself” is an emphasis on Jesus’ personal involvement in their lives. Paul is inserting that
personal touch of Jesus in this benediction. And Paul again links Jesus with
“and our God and Father” which exalts His deity. He also refers to “God and
Father” as “our God and Father.” Again a personal touch for these persecuted
believers. Paul is communicating that Jesus
and the Father are right there with them.
Jesus Himself and their
Father “has loved us and give us everlasting consolation.” God has loved us by
sending His Son Jesus to redeem us on the cross. “Consolation” (Greek paraklesis)
means exhortation, encouragement, or
comfort. And this comfort is “everlasting” (Greek aionian) it will last
forever. The trials and persecution they are experiencing can be overcome
with this everlasting comfort that comes from God in Christ who loves them. The
same is true for us. No matter what we go through Jesus is there to comfort us.
Jesus Himself and their Father in love has also
provided them “and good hope by grace.” “Hope” (Greek elpida from elpis) is faith for the future or expectation of future good. “Good” (Greek agathein from agathos) is a rich word defined with such words as good, perfect, complete, upright, kind, benevolent,
useful, acceptable, wholesome, beneficial, goods, good deeds. The hope Paul speaks of here couldn’t have been more
hopefully described than using this word for “good” hope. This “good hope”
isn’t something we manufacture ourselves from within. This “good hope” is a
gift of God’s grace to be received by faith. When we are going through trials
and hardship, persecution, what we need to do is simply take God at His word and
live by “good hope” that the future belongs to Him and to us in our
relationship to Him in Christ. Try that next time you are really going through
a hard time that seems to destroy your hope; by faith live on with a bright
expectation for future God that God has promised in His word. You won’t be
17 comfort your
hearts and establish you in every good word and work.
The personal Jesus and
our Father who loves us, gives us an eternal comfort, good hope, all as a gift
of His grace, may this personal loving Jesus and Father of heaven “comfort your
hearts and establish you in every good work.” Those are beautiful words. They
were not in the Tribulation. God hadn’t forgotten them. God was not pouring His
wrath out upon them. Yes, they were going through hard times of persecution,
but they must persevere.
Paul promised that by
God’s grace He would continue to comfort
them and “establish” them. “Establish” (Greek steridzo) means fix in place,
stand steady and firm, to stand strong. Paul’s prayerful benediction was
that they would stand strong in heart by the comfort God provides.
And Paul exhorts them to
minister onward. They were not to be stifled or stop ministering because of
their difficulties but they were to continue on “in every good word and work.”
They were not to allow the enemy to stop them from furthering the plans of God.
They were to cease every opportunity to minister with “every good word and
work.” They were to minister in word and deed. There is something to be said to
pressing on and continuing to minister even through difficulties. When we stop
ministering because of hardship the tendency is to look inward or to focus on
personal circumstances. This can lead to getting down in spirit and even
depression. Instead the best tonic for trials is often to minister and look to
help others despite our difficulties. This is the point Paul makes in this
closing benediction.
Paul therefore in these
verses lays out the particulars surrounding the Tribulation. The Thessalonians
were apparently under severe persecution. However the persecution and suffering
they were experiencing was not from God but from the world and the devil.
Having heard Paul’s particulars about the Tribulation here he could begin to
revive their hope in Christ. And that is what Paul does with a stirring
benediction that exhorts and encourages these persecuted brethren to press on
for the glory of God.
Are you going through a
trial? Are you fearful of what is going on in the world at the present?
Understand what God’s word says about the end times. Tap in to God’s graciously
provided comforting encouraging loving resources. Don’t tap out. Stand fast in
God’s grace. Prepare yourself for whatever is ahead of us. More than two
thousand years later, we have even more reason to prepare!
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