Our world, and in particular
our nation, have been in a steady downward spiral of sin for a long time. The
revolution that birthed our nation began in 1776 and our nation was officially
born in 1789. Within less than a hundred years our nation was ripped apart by
civil war. Slavery was abolished but segregation persisted. And a president had
been assassinated.
In the early 1900s we entered
World War I, “the war to end all wars.” This first world war didn’t end much of
anything but instead demonstrated through various instruments of carnage the
depth of depravity of so-called “principled” people. The human darkness
unleashed during the war led to a period of debauchery known as the roaring 20s
where people threw off restraint and jumped into the pool of immorality and
overspending. This led to a Great worldwide Depression economically and people
jumping out of windows to their death. Socially an environment of worldwide
poverty led to people looking with prejudice at pariah people groups to blame.
This environment of despair paved the way for an antichrist prototypical figure
named Adolf Hitler. He brought the world into another world war. In this war we
saw the demonically inspired killing of millions and in particular the attempted
genocide of the Jewish people. The war climaxed with the invention of nuclear
weapons that have the capability of literal world destruction. After the war
people did not turn to God but turned their backs on God.
In the 1950s and early 60s
the battle for the Bible heated up. The Bible’s inerrancy and inspiration were
attacked in the church leading to the liberalization of mainline denominations.
In society every attempt was made to remove “God,” His word, and prayer
directed toward Him from the public square through legislation. The willful
ignorance to God led to societal turmoil in a generation. Our nation lost its
way in an even greater way. We escalated our involvement in questionable wars.
In the late 1960s and then in the 1970s our youth spiraled out of control into
sex, drugs and rock and roll. Our nation legalized the murder of the unborn. Tens
of millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb to date. In the
1980s people turned to self. In the 1990s people turned to money. During all of
this time the world was looking at America as its model. America was looking at
ways to become more and more worldly.
In 2001 God began to remove
His hedge of protection on our nation as the 9/11 attacks evidence. We suffered
major economic losses as well as the loss of credibility and influence in the
world. This trend has continued to the present. God’s effort’s to shake us upand
wake us up had a short lived success. Since 9/11 we have extended ourselves in
more wars, removed more freedoms, and distanced ourselves further from God by
legislating more and more immorality until in 2015 same-sex marriage was made
the law of the land and the rainbow colors of such immorality were flown over
our nation. Now we see happening what Jesus said would happen in the days
leading up to His return, “For
as the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the
other part under heaven, so also the Son of Man will be in His day. 25 But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this
generation. 26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so it
will be also in the days of the Son of Man: 27 They ate,
they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that
Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank,
they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; 29 but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and
brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.” (Luke 17:24-30). The days of
Noah and Lot are upon us.
We read of this declining
history of the world and see all the decline into greater and greater
sinfulness and we wonder, “Father in Heaven, how long before You intervene? How
long before You send Jesus to return and establish Your kingdom on earth?” If
we want answers to those questions we must look to God’s Holy Word. In His word
He speaks of the return of His Son Jesus to set up a kingdom on earth (Rev. 19).
This Kingdom on earth will last a thousand years. Ultimately at the end of this
kingdom another uprising will occur which will be put down, and then the final
judgment (cf. Rev. 20). This will be followed by the replacing of this earth
and heaven with a New Heaven and a New Earth. Then God’s people will enter into
His promised everlasting life in the presence of the Lord (cf. Rev. 21-22).
But before that happens there
is a transitional period from the
state of affairs we see now to the promised new kingdom conditions under the
rule of Jesus. That instrument of transition is called The Tribulation. The
Tribulation is also called the Seventieth Week of Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27) and
“the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7) because it is a time when God
will focus on Israel, it’s spiritual revival, and recompensing those who attack
Israel and persist in shaking their fists of denial at God. Jesus spoke in
great detail to His disciples about this period of Tribulation (Matthew 24-25;
mark 13; Luke 17, 21). This period is explained in great detail in the last
book of the Bible (Revelation 6-19). There is a good deal of space devoted to this
seven year period of history that is in our future. It’s important to
understand the truth about the Tribulation.
This Tribulation is a period
of seven years of prophetic events that particularly will reawaken the nation
of Israel. The Tribulation will shake up the world to consider the gospel of
Jesus Christ. And the Tribulation will make up the world like a maid cleans up
a room preparing it for more guests or a fumigator removes pests and rodents to
make a place livable for the next resident. Jesus and His people are the guests
that are coming. His kingdom on earth is what the Tribulation prepares for.
The Tribulation is not a
period in time that anyone should want to experience. This is a time of God’s
outpoured righteous wrath on a Christ-rejecting world. In Paul’s first epistle
to the Thessalonians he was inspired to explain that Christians have been saved
from God’s wrath (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 5:9; cf. also Romans 5:9). For the
Christian Jesus has paid our debt of sin
so that we are spared God’s just punishing wrath. Jesus took our wrathful
sentence on the cross (2 Cor. 5:21). The wrath due us has been poured out on
Jesus (Isaiah 42:25; 53). Because Jesus has suffered wrath for us the genuinely
“born again” Christian will be saved from God’s coming wrath on the earth. The
means by which we will be saved from God’s coming wrath is The Rapture. There
will be a pre-Tribulation extraction of God’s people from this world. The event
is called the Rapture (cf. 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-11). The truth of this
teaching is what was attacked by false teachers at the church in Thessalonica
after Paul had left.
Second Thessalonians was
written by Paul because false teachers taught the Thessalonians that the
Rapture had either occurred and they were left behind or that the teaching of
the Rapture was not true. This was either implied by the false teachers or
taught directly by them, we do not know. What we do know is that Paul’s second
letter to the Thessalonians seeks to clarify issues related to the Tribulation
and whether or not Christians will go through it along with everyone else who
suffers God’s righteous wrath. That subject necessitates a review of the
Rapture and when it will occur.
The basis for this false
teaching was that the Thessalonians were being persecuted severely. The false
teachers misinterpreted or manipulated (we don’t know their intent only their
effect) this persecution as God’s wrath on His people. This false teaching
shook the faith and chopped down the blessed hope of God’s people that they
would be raptured before the Tribulation. Paul countered this false teaching
and its negative effects with a three chapter follow up letter on the
Tribulation explaining its purpose (2
Thess. 1), it’s particulars (2 Thess. 2), and their preparation leading up to
it (2 Thess. 3).
Review and Background
Paul’s inspired second letter
to the Thessalonians continues his ministry to the relatively young church in
Thessalonica. It was likely written within a year of his first epistle to this
church which would place the date of his writing in the early 50s of the first
century. Paul probably wrote to Thessalonica from Corinth (Acts 18).
To review, Paul planted the
church in Thessalonica over a three week stay in that city while on his second
missionary journey (cf. Acts 17). Silas, Timothy and Luke accompanied Paul on
this journey. Paul moved on from Thessalonica and travelled to Berea, Athens
and then Corinth. While in Corinth Paul apparently received a follow up report
on how things were going with the young church in Thessalonica. In response to
this report Paul wrote his first letter to the Thessalonians, a letter which
addressed being ready for the return of Jesus.
In his first inspired letter
to the Thessalonians Paul comforted the church by clearing up some
misunderstandings about the return of Jesus; in particular the His Rapture of the church. Each of the five
chapters in 1 Thessalonians concludes with a corrective reference to the return
of Jesus as a result.
Paul began his first letter
to the Thessalonians by commending their good example and how they had
responded to the gospel which he had powerfully shared with them in the Spirit
(1 Thess. 1:5). He then went on to commend them for receiving the word of God
(1 Thess. 2:13). Even though they had been birthed out of a situation of
persecution they were not deterred to witness for the Lord (1 Thess. 1:5-10). Paul
reminds them of his ministry among them and how much he cared for them (1
Thess. 2-3). Paul included a prayer for their spiritual growth in holiness and
God’s love (1 Thess. 3:11-13). He addressed issues dealing with sexual
immorality (1 Thess. 4:1-8). He urged them to grow spiritually (1 Thess.
4:9-12). And then he addressed the eschatological doctrine of the rapture of
the church (1 Thess. 4:13-18), and the Day of the LORD (1 Thess. 5:1-11). Paul concluded
with series of short but powerful exhortations that would help them keep on the
right course in their early life with Christ (1 Thess. 5:12-28).
Paul stayed “a year and six
months. . . . [and] a good while” longer in Corinth from where he wrote to the
Thessalonians (Acts 18:11 and18). He remained in Corinth long enough to get
another report on how things were going in Thessalonica. Paul was always
interested in “strengthening all the disciples” he had ministered to (Acts
18:23). And word was that false teachers had infiltrated the church using false
eschatology to create confusion and fear in the church. Therefore Paul wrote
them a second letter to teach them more accurately and clear up any confusion
and fear.
The second epistle (letter)
to the Thessalonians opens with the following greeting:
Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy,
To the
church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: 2
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul is mentioned first. He
is the leader of the trio of people mentioned here; “Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy” (1:1a). He is the author of this
epistle. These are the same three names mentioned in Paul’s first letter to the
Thessalonians. (See the intro to 1 Thessalonians for more background on these
three people.)
2 Thessalonians is addressed
“To the church of the Thessalonians”
(1:1b). The “church” in this city was now a little over a year old. It was
still a young church. Perhaps this is why false teachers were apparently
preying on this congregation. From Paul’s letter we see that apparently
pseudepigraphal letters had been brought to the Thessalonians. Pseude means apparently but not actually. Pigraphal means writing. People would write a letter and then to lend it
credibility and authority to make their case they would counterfeit Paul’s name
on the letter. Paul alludes to this when he writes, “not to be soon shaken in
mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of
Christ had come” (2 Thess. 2:2). Apparently someone had concocted a letter with
false teaching in it and put Paul’s name on it. They apparently were teaching
that the Tribulation was upon them and used Paul’s name to give their false
teaching credibility. Paul therefore is writing 2 Thessalonians in an effort to
correct any confusion.
young church at Thessalonica were identified by Paul as, “in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:” (1:1c). The
preposition “in” identifies this church as in
a relationship with “God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” All genuine
churches find their identity in their relationship with “God our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ.” The conjunction “and” that connects “in God our Father”
with “and the Lord Jesus Christ” includes Jesus in equal standing with the
Father. The name “Jesus” is the Greek form of the
OT Hebrew Joshua. Joshua means Yeshua saves. “Christ” is a title not
the last name of Jesus. “Christ” is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew term
Meshiach which means anointed one. It
is a reference to the Messiah foretold in the OT as one who would come and
serve as a sacrifice for sins (e.g. Isaiah 53). Jesus is the fulfillment of the
promised Messiah. We know this by the miracles He performed, the prophecies He
fulfilled (over 300!), and the resurrection which was the Father’s imprimatur
on who Jesus was and that His atoning sacrifice satisfied entirely His just
requirements for forgiveness of sins.
atoning work of Jesus is the reason Paul’s opening words in his epistles
included, “Grace to you and peace from
God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (1:2). God came to humanity in
Christ (e.g. John 1:1-3, and 14; Hebrews 1 and 2). Jesus lived a sinless life
and provided the perfect atoning sacrifice for sins on the cross. The wages or
consequence of sin is death. To atone or pay the penalty for the sins of the
world, as humanities’ substitute, Jesus gave His life for us. He did this as a
free gift of God’s “grace” (1:2a; Romans
6:23; 1 Peter 1:18-19). Grace can be defined with the acronym God’s Riches/Redemption At Christ’s Expense.
We are saved from our sin by God’s grace (Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).
we turn from our sins (i.e. repent) and believe the gospel (that Jesus died for
our sins and was raised from the dead according to the scriptures – 1 Cor.
15:1-4), we are an enemy of God (Rom. 8:7; Eph. 2:15, 16; James 4:4), under the
influence of Satan (2 Cor. 4:4), spiritually dead and deserve God’s righteous
wrath (Eph. 2:1-3). This is a very dark existence (cf. John 1 and 1 John).
no “peace” (1:2b) when a person wars
with God. The only way to find peace is to repent and believe the gospel. We
have peace with God through Jesus Christ (Romans 5). And we have peace with God
only through Jesus Christ (John 14:6;
Acts 4:10-12; 1 Tim. 2:5). When Paul opens his letters with the words “Grace
and peace,” he always does so in that order. There’s a significant reason for
that. You can’t experience the peace of God until you accept the benefits of
the grace of God. You can’t work your way to peace. You can only receive pece
by receiving the gospel of God’s grace. The gospel is a gift, a product of
God’s grace; it is “from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ” (1:2c). It is “from” God and we can only receive it by faith. Our redemption or
the payment for our debt of sin is from God;
it is not something we earn by works. We simply receive it as a gift from God.
is the only way we can be certain of our salvation. If it were by our works
that we earned salvation there would always be a question of whether or not we
did enough to earn it. Furthermore, we just don’t measure up to God’s standard.
All humanity falls short of God’s glorious standard of righteousness (Rom.
3:23). Jesus is the righteous standard; no one measures up to Jesus (John
16:8-11). Without Jesus, we’re lost. With Jesus, we’re saved. So as you see,
there’s a lot to be thankful for even in Paul’s opening words.
everyone accepts the gospel of God’s grace in Christ. God is patient. But when
people persistently rebel and reject God’s grace offered gospel in Christ, the
time comes when God’s righteous just wrath comes into play as repayment for
such a sinful resistance to God. That is part of what 2 Thessalonians is about.
Paul will speak of a prophetic period in history referred to as The Tribulation. As we mentioned
earlier, this is a seven year period prophesied by Daniel (cf. Daniel 9:24-27).
It is a time that will serve to wake up the nation of Israel to Jesus as their
Messiah (cf. Rev. 7 and 14). That is why Jeremiah refers to it as “the time of
Jacob’s trouble” (Jer. 30:7). Jesus spoke in detail about this period of time
(Matthew 24-25; Mark 13; Luke 17; 21). And while the church will not go through
the Tribulation, we still need to be aware of what the Tribulation entails so
that we don’t mistakenly think we will go through it or that we are going
through it, and so that we can see the urgency in warning others to get right
with God through faith in Christ so that they won’t go through it either.
Tribulation is a time where God pours out His righteous wrath on a Christ
rejecting world in judgment, and in one last attempt to shake them from their
sinful lethargy and rebellion (e.g. Rev. 6:16, 17). The Tribulation will be a time
of unprecedented pain and suffering in the world (cf. Mat. 24:21). Those who do
repent and turn to God in Christ will suffer incredible persecution. A
Satanically inspired world leader referred to as Antichrist will be the devil’s
attempt to counter God’s plans. Antichrist will war against the people of God
(Rev. 13:7). God’s people will suffer, but be able to overcome in the end “by
the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love
their live to the death” (Rev. 12:11).
While First Thessalonians
addresses the return of Jesus, (in particular the Rapture), the Second epistle
to the Thessalonians deals with other eschatological issues where they had some
misunderstanding: The Tribulation and Second Coming of Christ. Evidently some were
teaching the young Thessalonians that the Tribulation was upon them. Since the
Thessalonians were suffering persecution it could be expected that they would
wonder whether or not they were in the Tribulation, a time of great suffering
and persecution. Paul writes to clear up
this misunderstanding.
First Thessalonians comforts
Christians with the prospect and call to readiness for the Rapture of the
church by Jesus. Second Thessalonians comforts Christians by letting us know
that we will not go through the Tribulation. This second letter to the Thessalonians
assures Christians that though they may be suffering or being persecuted, it is
not the Tribulation. The Tribulation is a time of God’s righteous repayment to
those who have rejected the gospel and persecuted His people (2 Thess. 1:6-7).
The details of the Tribulation Paul provides by the Spirit in this second
letter helps us to be thankful that God in Christ by the Spirit has made a way
for us to escape the terrible times that are coming upon this earth. God is not
asleep. He isn’t overlooking or condoning the increasing sinfulness of this
world and in particular our nation. He isn’t impotent to bring injustice and
sin to judgment. God’s righteous wrath and judgment on a Christ-rejecting world
is coming. Paul writes the Thessalonians about the Tribulation to assure that
they are still ready or Jesus return, but also, that they understand what the
Tribulation is all about. Paul wants
the Thessalonians to be Ready for His Righteous
Repayment which will reconcile this crooked sinful world and reestablish
His justice and peace.
2 Thessalonians can be
outlined as follows:
- Tribulation Purpose: God’s Righteous Repayment – 2 Thessalonians 1
- Tribulation Particulars: Apostasy and Antichrist – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17
- Tribulation Preparation: Stand Fast Through Prayer and Good Works – 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18.
I invite you to join me as we study through this relevant-to-our-times second letter of Paul to the Thessalonian church. It will help us get a handle on where we are on the prophetic calendar. God bless us all as we watch and pray until Jesus returns.
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