“Abide in Me” – John 15:4a
Ever have a problem with a relationship?
Maybe you just aren’t a people person. Maybe you are in a fracturing
relationship; a breaking marriage; a conflict with the kids; a problem with your
parents; or maybe you’re having a falling out with someone at work or a
neighbor. If any of this describes you, help is available. In John 15 Jesus
speaks of relationship and how the Holy Spirit, the Helper, helps us with those
In John 15 we see that the Holy
Spirit helps us to have a good relationship with Jesus (15:1-11). Then we see
that the Holy Spirit helps us to have a good relationship with other believers (15:12-17).
The Holy Spirit helps us in our relationships with those in the world
(15:18-25). And lastly we see that the Holy Spirit and His help is a promise
from the Father we can rely on (15:26-27).
The most
important relationship for anyone is a relationship with Jesus. If that
relationship is in order then all others relationships will fall in line. As we
examine this chapter in the gospel of John you will see the blessed truth that Jesus
wants us to stay close to Him. He’s not just looking for people to serve Him;
He’s looking for friends. It’s not that He needs us. It’s that He loves us. What
a wonderful Savior we have; One who seeks us out and holds us close. The Holy
Spirit helps us to stay close to Jesus. The Helper helps us be held close to
Jesus. Let’s looks at His welcoming words.
The Holy Spirit Helper helps us in our
relationship with Jesus. “I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser”
(John 15:1). This is the eighth “I am” statement of Jesus. And in this “I am”
statement Jesus introduces the importance of a person’s relationship with Him. Like
a branch that gets its life from the vine it is attached to, so too the follower
of Jesus is alive and well only in that they are attached to Jesus.
This is a relationship
that needs regular care. As Jesus refers to the Father as the vinedresser and
at the end of the chapter refers to the Holy Spirit as the One He will send
from the Father, we see the fullness of the Triune God at work in our
relationship building. The first relationship, our relationship that must take
priority over all others is our relationship with Jesus. Apart from Him we can
do nothing.
Pruning involves
taking away dead parts, propping up sagging branches and generally caring for
the branches. Sometimes a branch laden with fruit is so heavy laden it is bent
down almost to the point of breaking. If you’ve ever planted tomato plants you
know a time comes, when the tomatoes are getting big that you have to put a
stick in the ground next to the tomato branch and tie it with strings to the
stick in order that the tomatoes don’t bend the branch down and break it.
Similarly the Lord our vinedresser provides a support for us the branch so that
we won’t break. “A bruised reed he will not break” (Matthew 12:20). The
vinedresser keeps a watchful eye on the vine and its branches and provides
loving care so it will produce a good harvest of fruit.
“Every branch in Me
that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears
fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit” (John 15:2). A healthy branch is fruitful and growing. We
are the branches. A branch is attached to the vine and becomes a part of the
vine. If a branch is not producing it means it isn’t connected properly to the
vine. There may be something hindering its receiving the nutrients it needs to
grow. But unfruitful branches are dead. A
branch that is not producing fruit prevents the vine from growing and producing
properly. A dead branch is therefore removed or pruned so that a healthy fruit producing branch can grow into its
place and the vine can produce a harvest.
“You are
already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.” (John
15:3). A branch needs regular washing. Here
Jesus speaks of the importance of the His word to the health of the branches.
Branches are endangered by insects, dirt and pollutants. Such things need to be
washed off the branch if it is to remain healthy. Branches need watering for
nutrients as well as for cleansing. Fruit needs cleaning before it can be
eaten. Jesus tells us the health of a branch is dependent on the washing. For us
the branches, that washing is done with the water of the word of God (cf. also
Eph. 5:26). We need to be regularly in God’s word to protect us from
contaminants that would infect us and deter our spiritual growth. If we want to
be clean and fruitful, if we want our relationship with Jesus to grow, we need
to be washed regularly in the word of God.
“Abide in Me, and I
in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the
vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me” (John 15:4). We
need to “abide” in Jesus if we are to be fruitful. Jesus illustrates what
He means by “abide” (Greek meno – to stay in a given
place, to continue in, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand, and tarry)
with the reference to the vine and its branches. A branch is a part of the
vine; you can’t get closer than that. A branch is as close to the vine as it
can possibly be. The idea is to be at
home with; a branch is at home in the vine. Jesus is saying, “Stay close to Me; make your abode with Me.” How
close are you to Jesus?
A branch that abides
in the vine gets its nourishment from it. A branch also reproduces according to
the nature of the vine to which it is attached. A healthy branch reproduces. We
can also say that the vine holds onto the branches. It is from the vine that
the branch is produced. There is an attachment
to Jesus the follower has. But there is also an attachment Jesus says He has to us. The only way we can be fruitful
followers of Jesus is through our abiding attachment to Jesus.
Jesus is
speaking about relationship. And it
is the Helper, the Holy Spirit who attaches
or helps us to abide to Jesus in
relationship. Our abiding relationship with Jesus is one where we walk with
Him, talk with Him, and regularly consult Him throughout our day and our lives.
It is only through this living Holy Spirit produced relationship with Jesus
that we can grow in our faith and be fruitful.
And Jesus has
referred to “My word.” We abide in Jesus as we
regularly meet with Him in devotions prayerfully taking in His word. We abide
in Jesus as we get our reproductive DNA. We abide in Jesus as we are nourished
from our attachment to Him. We abide in Jesus as through the Holy Spirit we
remain in an ongoing conversation with Jesus throughout the day.
“I am
the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears
much fruit;” (John 15:5a). We can’t
do anything without Jesus. A branch removed from the vine dies. Nothing of
eternal worth or significance can be accomplished without Jesus. We abide in
Jesus and become fruitful in and through Him as we consult Him in prayer, obey
His word, and then give Him glory for fruitful results.
What “fruit” are we to bear? What are we to be producing in our lives
as we abide in Jesus? The Bible defines fruit as: Winning souls – John 4:27-38;
Fellowship – Romans 1:13; Living a holy life – Romans 6:22; Giving – Romans
15:28; Serving and helping others practically – Colossians 1:6, 10; Praising
and worshipping God – Hebrews 13:15; and Love – Galatians 5:22. How fruitful are
Jesus then points out, “for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5b). That
done without Jesus has no eternal value. Just as that done without love has no
eternal value (1 Corinthians 13:1-3), that done without Jesus has no eternal
value. Something done in Jesus’ name means it is done for Jesus glory and the
way Jesus would do it. If you leave Jesus out of the equation, what you do is
anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and
they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.” (John
15:6). Abiding
in Jesus is essential to spiritual life. Those who don’t abide in Jesus,
who choose to walk an alternative route to heaven other than Jesus, those
people wither spiritually. “Wither” (Greek xeraino)
means to shrivel up, to dry up, pine
away, be past ripening. There is no spiritual life apart from Jesus.
If you’re feeling spiritually dry or shriveled up, maybe it’s because
in some way you’re not abiding in Jesus. But there are those who never abide in
Jesus. Those will be removed and cast out into the fire; a symbol of eternal
fire (cf. Rev. 20).
But there are also times of “the dark night of the soul.” There are
times when we become dry or feel distant from God simply because of our
humanness. These are times when the Lord allows a darkness and distance between
the believer and Him in order to build our faith and better appreciate His
presence when we do enjoy it. The
dark night helps us not take God’s presence for granted. The dark night
provides an opportunity for our faith to be built not on feeling but simply on
the word of God and trusting in His faithfulness; who He is.
How do we know whether or not we have distanced ourselves from abiding
in God or are simply experiencing a dark night of the soul? Only through
walking in the Spirit and meditating on His word can we discern what we are
going through.
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask
what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” (John 15:7). Jesus target is our heart. Jesus wants
His word to abide in us. But where does He want them to abide in us? Not merely
our head, but in our heart. Salvation is in the heart and our heart is where
His words need to abide. Our mind is too cool and calculating. It is our heart that
is capable of getting a passionate grip on things.
There is a big difference between understanding Jesus with your head
and holding on to Him with your heart. Our mind changes its view on things
repeatedly. But the heart holds on. Ever date someone you knew wasn’t right for
you or that wasn’t good for you? You may have known in your head that the
person wasn’t the Lord’s will for you or was not right for you, but it was
still hard to break up because the heart
holds onto things; onto people.
It is in the heart that God works: “Thy word I have hidden in my heart,
that I might not win against You” (Psalm 119:11). “That if you confess with
your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him
from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). “That Christ may dwell in your
hearts through faith” (Eph. 3:17). Jesus wants us to abide with Him with our
heart; He wants us to take His word into our heart, because the heart is where
we hold onto things, onto people, onto Him. The heart is the instrument of
Pray with your heart. The
word of God and our relationship with Jesus abide in our heart as we
prayerfully meditate and contemplate the word and Jesus. As we use our minds to think about the word and Jesus the word and
Jesus slowly sink deeper into us and get planted in our heart. Make Jesus the
focus of your thinking and He will soon become your abiding Lord. Focus on,
memorize and study the word of God and it will soon be embedded in your heart
in an abiding way. When Jesus and His words are abiding in us our prayers will
be right on target and we can ask and receive freely.
“By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so
you will be My disciples” (John 15:8). Fruitful disciples glorify God. Examples of fruitfulness would be
sharing Jesus with other, winning souls, making disciples, sharing His word
with others, and living in the love of Jesus; being a disciple. When we do that
we bring glory to God. This is a work of the Spirit.
A “disciple” (Greek mathetes) is a pupil, a
learner, a student. By referring to His followers as disciples Jesus is
implying there is learning involved in
following Him. A disciple lives a vibrant alive life of growing in their
abiding relationship with Jesus. And all of this begins when one is born again
by the Holy Spirit our Helper (cf. John 3).
“As the
Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love” (John15:9). Disciples
of Jesus abide in His love. Jesus again emphasizes the Father’s love for
Him and His love for His disciples. And He then He says “abide in My love.” “Love” (Greek agapeo) means to welcome, to
love dearly, to love socially and morally. Love as Jesus loved is to love in a
self-giving way. Disciples of Jesus stay attached to and live in the love
Jesus modeled to them.
“If you
keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My
Father’s commandments and abide in His love” (John 15:10). We abide in Jesus’ love through obeying His
word. Jesus modeled obedient love through His obedience to the Father.
Jesus’ disciples must now follow in His steps by obeying His words as the
expression of their love to Him. There is
no love without obedience.
things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that
your joy may be full. (John 15:11). All of this produces joy in the
disciple of Jesus. “Joy” (Greek chara)
refers to cheerfulness, calm delight, a
settled assurance based on faith in Jesus that He is in control. When we
express our love through obedience to Jesus’ word and are fruitful in the
process, it leads to us having a joyful
settled assurance in life. The one who trusts in Jesus and abides in Him by
the Holy Spirit is the one who will have a settled
not rattled outlook on life.
The Helper helps with our relationship with
fellow believers. “This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have
loved you” (John 15:12). With their relationship with Jesus in place, the
disciples are to turn to their relationship with other disciples. Disciples are
to love one another as Jesus has loved them.
There is no such thing as a disciple of Jesus who does not love. A person
may claim to be a disciple of Jesus, but if they aren’t loving and growing in
love they are making false claims. To abide in Jesus’ word is to abide in His
Jesus commands that we love. Love is not
optional as far as Jesus is concerned. But love by nature is volitional; you
have to choose to love. Machines can’t love. Love must be something agreed to
in the heart. We decide whether to
obey or not; we decide whether or not to love. Love is an action to take. Love
is a matter of faith that works. Love is not a mere feeling. We don’t love or
not love based on what we feel. Love is an action to be done in faith. Love
transcends feelings. When we love we love regardless of whether or not we feel
like it.
Feelings follow acts of faith. If we
only acted on our feelings we would do a lot of wrong sinful things and
probably neglect what is good and holy and loving. If we only loved those we
felt like loving we’d probably not love as many people as God would have us
love. But here’s the thing, feelings follow acts of faith. When we take a step
of faith and love because Jesus us commands us to love, the feelings usually
follow. If a couple has supposedly fallen out of love with each other, if they
take a step of faith and act lovingly toward each other their feelings of love
for one another will be rekindled. So next time you don’t feel like acting in love just remember, Jesus commands us to love; love is not an option; love is an action
commanded for us by Jesus.
“Greater love has
no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John
15:13). The
greatest and most accurate expression of Jesus’ love is in laying down our life
for others. “Greater” (Greek meizon) means larger, matured, and stronger. Love is mature and full when we lay
our life down for others. Love by nature is counter to the flesh which is
consumed with serving self. If the greatest love is defined and expressed by
laying down one’s life for others, then the cross of Christ is the greatest
expression of God’s love for us in eternity.
When England was
in the throes of debauchery and a corrupt church, John Knox prayed, “Lord, give me Scotland, or I die.” That is a popular
cry referred to when we want to emphasize the passion needed to win the lost.
But what is not often included in John Knox’s cry is what John Know wrote of
God’s answer to His prayer. Knox wrote that after He made His plea God told him
“First die, then I’ll give you Scotland.”[1] Are you willing to die for the Lord? Are you
willing to die for others? Are you willing to die to see your enemies come to
salvation in Christ? That is what Jesus’ brand of love is all about.
“You are My friends
if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:14). You can’t claim friendship with Jesus and
then disobey our live counter to all He represents. Two can’t walk together
unless they are agreed (e.g. Amos 3:3). “Friends”
(Greek philos) are people we are actively fond and associate
with in order to wish them well and support their welfare. A friend is
someone who encourages another to attain their best. A friend is one who
desires God’s best for another. In that case, Jesus is our best friend; He is always looking out for our best interests.
Is Jesus your
Friend? Jesus said the disciples were His friends. They were flawed in many
ways and yet Jesus befriended them. We are flawed in many ways, and yet Jesus
befriends us. Jesus doesn’t call us
friends because we are smart or part of the “in” crowd. He befriends us because
He likes us, He loves us. He enjoys us. We are a pleasure to Him. Have you
befriended Jesus?
“No longer do I
call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I
have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made
known to you” (John 15:15). There is a relationship with Jesus that is
greater than a servant relationship. We are called to be servants of Jesus.
Jesus modeled service to us (cf. John 13). But Jesus is speaking about a
relationship with Him that is greater than a servant relationship; a
“Servants” (Greek doulos)
are a slave, one in subjection to, bound
to another. Jesus points out that He doesn’t look at His disciples as
merely hired hands to be ordered around. Jesus partners with us in friendship. A servant is someone the Master
says, “Go do this for me” to. But a friend is someone Jesus says, “Come on,
let’s do this together” to.
Therefore we
minister with Jesus and we minister together with Jesus too. We all abide
together in Jesus the Vine. As we abide
in Jesus together we are brought together as friends.
A “servant does not know what his master is doing.” Servants
simply obey at their master’s instructions. But a friend is someone who is
clued into the why of what they are
doing. As “friends” of Jesus, He gives us insight into ministry and our working
with Him in life. Jesus doesn’t just command us to do things without giving us
some sense of “why” He is asking us to do it. True ministry is done with Jesus. True ministry flows out of our
informed friendship with Jesus.
As friends of
Jesus we are given insight into the purposes of what He calls us to do. That doesn’t
mean we will have all the answers and
information in all our ministry situations. It does mean that Jesus will be
with us as we minister, directing us along the way. We are co-laborers with
Christ (cf. 1 Cor. 3:9).
“You did
not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear
fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father
in My name He may give you” (John 15:16). This
is similar to what Matthew records in his gospel account when Jesus is recorded
to have said, “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 20:16; 22:14). The
gospel is offered to many people and a good number respond in faith and become
born again believers in Jesus. God desires none would perish (2 Peter 3:9).
Reality reveals that not everyone accepts Jesus as their Savior. But of those
who do answer Jesus call to repent and be saved through faith in Him, only a
few answer the call to discipleship and ministry service. This is the big problem
with the church of our day. We live in a lukewarm Laodicean church age where
the church is filled with Christian couch potatoes who do little more than
attend services. That only leads to spiritual constipation; people constantly
taken in spiritual information but hardly ever applying in life; the result is
Christians bound up and immature in their faith.
Jesus chooses us. Jesus “chose”
(Greek eklegomai – to select, choose, make a choice) the
disciples. They didn’t choose Jesus. Jesus walked by them and called to them to
follow and they chose to respond to
His call by following. Jesus initiated their lives as disciples. The fishermen,
tax collector and others were all busy with their daily work and lives. But
Jesus took the initiative to break into their lives and invite them to follow
Him. And they chose to answer that call and respond to follow Him. Jesus calls us to follow Him. Will you follow
Jesus appoints us. He “appointed” (Greek tithemi
– advise, appoint, commit to,
conceive, lay down, ordain, set at a purpose, sink down) them to be
apostles (i.e. sent ones). Jesus appointed the twelve and then seventy other
disciples to go out into ministry. Of the general population of His followers
he called or appointed twelve to be leaders. Of the twelve it appears peter, James,
and John were then appointed to be three who were with Jesus on particular
situations (e.g. transfiguration; Gethsemane). To be appointed is apparently to be selected
for a task or position. When Jesus chooses and calls you to follow Him,
will you then obey and do what he appoints you to do?
Jesus produces through us. Jesus’
purpose of choosing and appointing us is to bear lasting fruit. One
plants, another waters and the increase comes from Him (1 Cor. 3:7). Jesus chooses
and appoints disciples to bear lasting fruit. Fruit is lasting that is
reproducing and eternal in nature (e.g. souls saved, disciples made). Our
lifeline to bearing lasting fruit is prayer. Jesus says the ones He chooses and
appoints for the purpose of bearing lasting fruit are also those who “ask the Father in My name” – that is prayer. Notice
how Jesus alludes to and interweaves prayer throughout His words in this
chapter. Lasting fruit is a product of
prayerful dependence on the Father in the name of Jesus.
That which is
done “in My name” is done as Jesus would do it. When we do something in Jesus’ name it must take on the nature of the One named; Jesus. Jesus
didn’t cut corners or bend the rules. Jesus was without sin and righteous. That
is how that done in His name should
and must be done.
If I write a
check for a million dollars and sign my name it wouldn’t be worth the paper it
was written on. But if I present a check for a million dollars on it and it is
signed by Donald Trump, that check is worth something. Similarly when we
present a check to God in prayer and it bears Jesus’ name in its intent,
purpose and request, that check is worth something. Ask in Jesus’ name and your
request will be granted. And it is the Holy Spirit who helps us in this prayer
life (Rom. 8:26-27).
What is the
nature of doing things in Jesus’ name? Jesus said again, “These things I command you, that you love one
another” (John 15:17). Ministry done in Jesus’ name is done in and
through love. Again Jesus emphasizes that in all our work with other
disciples and all our work done period, it must be done in Jesus’ love. Jesus
keeps bringing the disciples back to His love.
The Helper helps us in our relationships with
unbelievers. “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it
hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet
because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore
the world hates you” (John 15:18-19). Jesus now swings the disciples to
their relationship with those in the world. We should not be surprised if the
world rejects and hates us. The world
hated Jesus and ultimately cooperated in His crucifixion. Because we are not of
the world anymore once we turn from our sin to follow Jesus as His disciples,
we can expect that the world will hate us like it hates Jesus.
The world loves its own. If the world
loves you, maybe you’re too close to being of it instead of being of Jesus. If
you fit right into the world you’re probably too close to it. Jesus chooses us
“out of” the world. That doesn’t mean we no longer interact with the world. It
does mean that while we still live in the world we are not like the world; we
no longer have the same interests and priorities of those in the fallen world.
Does the world love you? Do you love the world?
“Remember the word
that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they
persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will
keep yours also. But all these
things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who
sent Me” (John 15:20-21). The
response we should expect from the world is that the world will treat us like
it treated Jesus. How do we know we have the right relationship with the
world? We have the right relationship with the world when we see it treating us
like it treated Jesus. Does the world persecute you like it did Jesus? Does the
world keep your word like it kept Jesus’ word? Does the world know the Father?
“If I had not come
and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for
their sin. He who hates Me hates My Father also. If I had not done among them
the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen
and also hated both Me and My Father. But this happened that the word
might be fulfilled which is written in their law, ‘They hated Me without a
cause.’ (John 15:22-25). The world is without excuse. Jesus spoke
a clear message to the world. He did mighty works that testified of who He was
and is. But the world turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to Jesus and instead
hates Him. Because of this the world of the lost is without excuse. No one will
have an excuse for not following Jesus when they stand before God on Judgment
Day. Jesus response to those attempting to excuse themselves will be “They hated Me without a cause.”
The Helper is the fulfillment of the Father’s
promise. “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the
Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of
Me. And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the
beginning” (John 15:26-27). Jesus is
speaking of Pentecost here when he says, “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the
Father.” The ministry of the Spirit in and through the follower of Jesus
is essential to experiencing all that Jesus is speaking about here. That is why
at the end of the gospels Jesus instructs His disciples to wait in Jerusalem
until they are empowered by the Spirit who will come upon them (e.g. Luke
24:49; Acts 1:4-5, 8).
The Holy Spirit is “the Spirit of truth.” Satan is the father of lies
(John 8:44). The Holy Spirit is the revealer and illuminator of truth. If you
want to know the truth about something seek the illumination of the Spirit (1
Corinthians 2:9-14). God’s word is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is filled
with truth (John 17:17; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). Go to God’s word.
The Holy Spirit “He will testify of Me.” The Holy Spirit doesn’t bring
attention to Himself; he shines the light on Jesus. The Holy Spirit works in
the background. He always directs people toward Jesus. You know the Spirit is
in a work when Jesus is exalted and lifted up. You know the Spirit is working
in and through you when “you also will bear witness”
of Jesus.
All of what we see Jesus sharing
in this chapter is a work of the Holy Spirit in and through His disciples. Is
the Holy Spirit in you? Is the Holy Spirit helping you? How are your relationships?
Are you relying on the Holy Spirit’s help? Jesus is calling you to a close
abiding relationship with Him. Will you answer His call?
Courson, J. (2003). Jon Courson’s
Application Commentary (p. 566). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
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