“. . . for they loved
the praise of men more than the praise of God.” – John 12:43
Have you ever had someone
wave off a conversation about Jesus with the words, “I’m Catholic. . . .” or
“I’m Baptist” or “I’m __________"? Such a comment and wave off is
thought to be a decisive and dismissive means of cutting off a conversation
that the person saying it doesn’t feel is necessary or of value for them. I
want to speak to those who use such tactics. I also want all of us to consider
where we have placed our faith. Jesus addressed the very same tactic in the
Gospels. On one such occasion Jesus’ listeners tried to dismiss His teaching
with the claim, “We are Abraham’s descendants” (John 8:33). They thought their
nationality and religious heritage removed them from the idea that they were
bound in sin (John 8:31-36). This is a teaching that cuts to an underlying
issue. You see, it isn’t your church or religious affiliation that is of prime
importance. It isn’t what you trust in but
Who you trust in that is of prime
eternal import. You can belong to a
church or synagogue and still be bound in sin.
John 12 marks the beginning
of John the Apostle’s account of the final week of Jesus ministry leading up to
the cross and resurrection. The chapter begins with a Triumphal entry and ends
with heightening trials of opposition to Jesus and His message. Jesus remains
true to the end. But toward the end of the chapter, despite the powerful
teaching and signs of Jesus, John is inspired to write, “Nevertheless even
among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did
not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for
they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” (John 12:42-43). Jesus was having an impact on the heart of
even the ruling elite. But because of the religious leaders and their hold on
the people by the shackles of religious affiliation, those who believed Jesus
and His message chose to submit to the praise of men rather than surrender to
the praise of God. They were in the clutches of a club mentality. They were
swallowed by allegiance to the synagogue. And today we see a very similar
scenario as people creep away from Jesus using church affiliation.
How sad it is when people know
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, they know the gospel message is right
and true and real and still don’t follow Him. Here people have “believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they
did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue.” The
synagogue was the center of Jewish life. The synagogue system had been used by
God to sustain His people during the seventy years of captivity when Israel as
a nation and the center of national pride, the Temple, was laid low. The
synagogue system remained prominent even after the Temple was rebuilt. This was
a credible and real cost those who believed in Jesus would have to count. But
the synagogue, as well as the Temple, is not greater than Jesus.
The synagogue’s purpose was
to be a place where God’s people could be taught about God. It was in the
synagogue that people heard the exposition of God’s word. Although it must be
said that rabbinical “exposition” consisted mostly of rabbi’s quoting other
prestigious rabbis as a means of garnering authority for themselves and their
teaching. When Jesus came the only One He referred to as a root of authority
was God His Father (cf. John 12:44-50). Because of this, (and because of the
anointing of the Spirit – Luke 4:14-15) Jesus’ teaching was seen as unique and
powerfully authoritative (cf. Mark 1:37; Luke 4:32 and 36). The people saw Jesus and His teaching as holy,
unique. When you compare Jesus to an institution and its promoters that will
always be the case.
There is an extremely
important distinction to make when considering the object of our faith. Our
eternal destiny depends on this distinction. And that distinction can be summed
up with the question: Is your faith in Christ or in a church or similar
institution? You might be quick to respond, “Of course my faith is in Jesus!”
But wait a minute. Is it really? Let me ask you something. Do you have a
thriving, real, genuine, living, personal relationship with the risen Savior
and Lord Jesus Christ? Or, are you simply depending on a church for your
eternal life? What do I mean by that? Well, let me ask you a few more probing
questions and hopefully you’ll catch my drift.
Do you regularly spend time alone with Jesus, one on One, with the Word of God open,
prayerfully listening for His still small voice, or do you spiritually exist on
maybe an hour a week of a sermon? Is what you believe based on a second hand
trust in others’ teaching or opinions, or traditions, or is it based on a first
hand working and walking through scripture with the Lord? Do you spend time
with Jesus or spend time in a church? The two are not necessarily the same. Do
you have a “personal” firsthand relationship with Jesus, or do you depend on a human mediator or tradition laden
mediatrix? Is your “Jesus” still on a crucifix or is He in your heart?
Scripture tells us, “Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is
not His. And if Christ is in you, . . . the Spirit is life because of
righteousness” (Romans 8:9-10). The Bible proclaims, “Christ in you, the hope
of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Is Christ in you?
When you stand before God on Judgment Day He will not ask you the name of the
church you belonged to, He will ask you if His Son, the Savior and Lord, is in
you. What will you answer Him on that day?
I want to encourage you to
engage the Lord Jesus in a personal way. Listen, the church never saved
anyone, Jesus, the Head of the church, saves anyone and everyone who has ever
been saved from their sin. When we have greater allegiance
to the church than to Jesus it’s as though we praise the scalpel rather than
the surgeon who performs successful surgery on us. The church, like a scalpel in
the surgeon’s hand, is only as valuable and effective as the one using it. In truth, the church
is not enough to sustain your faith. An hour or two a week in a church, even if
God’s word is faithfully taught, is not enough to sustain you, or your
children, or your family; anyone. Your personal relationship with Jesus needs
personal attention every day. We need to walk each day with Jesus. So I ask
you, “Is your trust in a church or in Christ?”
The church is the Bride of
Christ and we should do everything we can to support it and keep it a place of
holiness. But we are not saved by faith in a church. We are saved by faith in
Christ. The church is only the church as long as it is in alignment with and in
submission to its Head, Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:18). The “church” is only
the church as it is in submission to and guided by God’s word (2 Timothy
3:16-17). The Apostle Peter put it this way, “And so we have the prophetic word
confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place,
until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19).
Sometimes that “dark place” is the
The church of Jesus, the
only true church, is a scripture based, scripture oriented church. The “church”
is only the church as it fulfills God’s definition of “church.” Peter also
says, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private
interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God
spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20-21). It was the move
of the Spirit that inspired men to write the
scriptures. The Spirit moved these human penmen like a wind blows into the
sails of a ship and drives it. And it is a current move of the Spirit to direct members of the church to live
by God’s word that determines the genuineness and authenticity of the “church.”
The Spirit will never, never, never, contradict
Himself or the Holy Word He has inspired. Spirit-filled, Spirit-empowered, and
Spirit led people will never disregard, dismiss, redact, or edit out portions
of God’s word in order to appease secular trends no matter how offensive God’s
truth becomes. God’s truth and His word is settled in heaven and eternity
(Psalm 119:89). God’s word has God’s Holy Name stamped on it (Psalm 138:2).
Therefore, a “magisterium,” “church council,” or any “church” official is only
as valid and worth obeying in that they bow to and serve God in obedience to
His Holy Word.
The authority and foundation
of the church is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11). The “church” of Jesus
Christ is a church steadfastly devoted first to “the apostles teaching” or word
of God, second, to the “fellowship” of believers, third, to the “breaking of
bread” or worship, and finally, “to prayer” (Acts 2:42). That; that is the
“church.” The true “church” is depicted in Acts. That is the church you can
trust. But we have to constantly guard against getting off course from God’s
word. The church must maneuver within the parameters of God’s word. And the sad
reality is we have, as a church, strayed very far from the New Testament
scriptural definition of the “church.”
Unfortunately, people, due
in part to laziness or ill-placed trust, have supplanted a possible personal
relationship with Jesus with a second hand walk in and walk out of a church. It
takes time and effort to maintain a relationship. The breakdown of the marriage
and shack-up mentality of our present time is evidence that people aren’t
willing to work on or work through the often puzzling parts of relationship.
And that mentality has infected the church of our day.
People shack-up with
churches. They exit out of their church at the first sign of something they
don’t like. They enter into another one and stay until that new car smell wears
out. All the while they are looking in a church for something they can only
find with Jesus. Like those new cars driven off the lot, that “new” church
depreciates pretty quick. In fact, to many people, a church loses its worth
when through the teaching of the word of God it becomes challenging or
discomforting. People take offense at the preaching and teaching of the word.
What did they expect? Sound Scriptural teaching speaks of “the offense of the
cross” (Galatians 5:11). If you are offended that may be a sign that something
good and true is being taught. Don’t leave it, embrace it and be crucified with
Christ! (Galatians 2:20).
The church should introduce
people to Jesus. The church should never take the place of Jesus. When people
look to the church rather than to Jesus for fulfillment the result is exactly
what we see today. Today we see an epidemic of church transience as people date
instead of commit to churches. There is little to no loyalty to a church
family. Just like people choose to trash their family for adulterous trysts,
they do the same by hopping from one church to the next lusting for something
or someone to quench a thirst that only Jesus can quench. Jesus is and can only
be our true love. The church is a vehicle to bring people to Jesus. Do you love
the limo at the wedding or the Groom?
The church is the Bride of
Christ. The church is the people in it. “Now you are the body of Christ” (1
Corinthians 12:27). The church is not the organization. The church is not the
name given to it. The church is the instrument Jesus uses and ordains as the
place to unite people in Himself (Ephesians 2-3). Love the church and its
people like Jesus loved them (2 Corinthians 5:14-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:10; 1
Peter 3:18-19). But don’t worship the church. Worship Jesus, the Head of the
church. Every knee will bow and tongue will confess Jesus, not the church
(Philippians 2:9-11). The church is only powerful and of value inasmuch as it
is “My church” (Matthew 16:18). Is your church His church?
The church because it is
filled with weak and limited human beings, Christians who are walking according
to their own understanding rather than the Spirit and His Word, are for the
most part carnal like the Corinthians (cf. I and II Corinthians). The epistles
of the New Testament were inspired by the Spirit to a great extent to address
problems in the church. If you look at the seven churches of Revelation to
which Jesus wrote letters you find that 5 of the 7 churches had some serious
problems (Revelation 2-3). By the end of the first century, less than 100 years
after the birth and ministry of Jesus, the church had problems and had strayed.
If that is true of the early church, how true might it be of the church of
The Apostle Peter spoke of the
root of such problems when he received the inspiration of the Spirit and wrote
about people who followed the, “aimless conduct received by tradition from your
fathers” (1 Peter 1:18). Human tradition is too often merely human explanation
and worse, embellishment of faith and practice. And because of that it
frequently leads people astray from God’s word. Tradition is second to
scripture in terms of authority. Any tradition that contradicts or deviates
from scripture must be discarded by the
church and those who attend it.
Jesus confronted manmade
traditions that contradicted and undermined God’s Holy Word (Matthew 15:1-20).
Jesus told the religious leaders that the reason they erred was that they didn’t
understand the scripture (Matthew 22:29). Scripture points us to Jesus.
Tradition can sometimes stray off course from Jesus. Sometimes tradition points
us to the church. Sometimes traditions subtly sway us from looking to Jesus and
His word. The church can be self serving. The church and its tradition must
always bow to Jesus and His Word. It bears repeating, the church is only as
authoritative as it is in alignment with God’s word.
Not all tradition is wrong
or bad. Good and acceptable tradition is rooted in and based on scripture. Paul
referred to his delivered message as “traditions” (Greek paradosis e.g. 1 Corinthians 11:2). A tradition is something handed
down from generation to generation. Paul
therefore was referring to the teaching and instruction he had been led in by
the Spirit and was passing on to the church. Tradition that is scripturally
sound is good.
All traditions and every
church needs to be appraised and seen through the lens of scripture. Tradition
and churches are acceptable only in as much as they comply and conform to God’s
Holy Word. Tradition that contradicts scripture ceases to be acceptable
tradition. The church that contradicts scripture ceases to be the church
acceptable to Christ. This is why we must give priority and allegiance
primarily to Jesus and His Word over and above human tradition and the
It is faith in Christ alone
that saves. If our loyalties to a church exceed our loyalty to Jesus we are in
great danger. Jesus endorses His word as the supreme authority for the church. “Heaven
and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Matthew
24:35). The church is only the church in as much as it is in alignment with and
submitted to the word of God. The true church serves and submits to Jesus
Christ. The true church introduces people to Jesus. The church steps aside and
never gets in the way of people coming to Jesus Christ. So again, I ask you, is
your faith in Christ or the church? Hopefully your faith is in the Person Jesus
Christ. Hopefully you have been introduced to and encouraged to grow in a
relationship with Jesus Christ. Hopefully this has been done through the
faithful teaching of scripture by a church faithful and fully surrendered to
Her Groom Jesus Christ.
There is a final feature of
misplaced faith. The reason they did not follow Jesus was peer pressure. “They
loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” They cared more about
what their religious leaders or fellow affiliates to a religious institution
thought of them than they did of what God incarnate invited them to be a part
of. That is about the saddest reason for not following Jesus that can be. It’s
simply a question of God versus man. The early genuine church was powerful and
proclaimed, “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). What would you
The dynamic involved with peer
pressured decisions is pride. It was because of pride that they “loved the
praise of men.” Pride goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18). The serpent Lucifer
rebelled against God Almighty in pride (Isaiah 14:12-15). At the center of
“sin,” is “I.” “I” and life revolving around yourself or anyone other than
Jesus is sin. This has been true from the start. Holding Jesus and His word off
at arm’s length because of a proud religious affiliation is nothing more than
pride. It is the same temptation the serpent used with Eve in the Garden
(Genesis 3). The serpent’s enticing of
Eve could be translated, “Come over to my side.” The serpent coaxed Adam
and Eve with a false promise. The serpent wanted to break God’s heart by luring
our first parents into breaking their covenant contract with God. That serpent
agent used every trick he knew to get Adam and Eve to sign a contract with him.
That serpent slithered his way into the hearts of our first parents and he used
pride to do it. It’s as though he were saying, “Come to me, come to my side,
come to my gathering, my church and I’ll see that you have cushier seating,
more alluring worship, and no one will ever get in your business. Just come to
my side and you’ll be your own ruler. No restricting rules with me. You’ll be
free to do what you want; you’ll be ‘God’!” Sound familiar? People leave one
church for another; people leave Jesus for another all the time for stuff like
The serpent tempted Eve to
disobey God by insinuating God didn’t want what was best for Eve. The serpent
promised that if Eve ate the forbidden fruit she would be “like God.” In other
words Satan the serpent was saying, “Eat the fruit and you won’t have to take
any orders from God anymore. You’ll be just like Him. You’ll be your own
master.” And that idea, self-rule, is at the heart of misplaced faith. People
don’t want a personal relationship with Jesus as their Lord because they don’t
want to count the cost. People are afraid of what Jesus might call them to give
up. They don’t want to give up self-rule. That is sin. That is the sinful
nature in its essence.
What the serpent and those
who want to take the place of Jesus in people’s lives don’t tell you is that there
is no greater slavery than slavery to someone or something other than Jesus.
And what they try to shield you from is the truthful reality that lasting
fulfillment, eternal fulfillment only comes through Jesus. The church and those
connected to it shouldn’t be drawing people to themselves; they should be
pointing people to Jesus. Jesus spoke the truth when He said, “And I, if I am
lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself” (John 12:32). The
church is the means to that end. The church should never be the end of that
means. Is your trust in a church or is your trust in Jesus Christ? How you
answer that question could determine your eternal destiny. In what or Whom do
you trust?
You would be "stoned" for such words here in Poland where the predominance of "traditional" and church affiliation are the norm.
ReplyDeleteGod continue to bless you Pastor.
Thanks Anthony. My hope and prayer is that more and more people will have a "personal" i.e. their own, relationship with Jesus; a real genuine vibrant relationship with the living Lord Jesus. Miss you bro. Hope all is well with you. God bless.
ReplyDeleteI miss you and CCOH, but listen every day via the internet. So, I can hear your Sunday service, the other great pastors, wonderful music, and of course listening to you open up and explain the Word so that someone like me can understand it.