“Now these are the nations which the Lord left, that He might test Israel by
them” – Judges 3:1
Have you ever asked yourself why has this happened to me? Everyone at
one time or the other asks themselves this question. Sometimes the answer is
that we are suffering the consequences of our own sinful choices (e.g. Jeremiah
2:19). Difficulties and trials may be the result of spiritual warfare (e.g.
Job). Nothing can happen to us that God has not allowed to happen. We may not
understand why God allows certain things to happen. And we may not like what He
allows to happen. But God is big enough to handle our questions and objections.
God is sovereign over all.
There is another source of
difficulty that we may find hard to understand or accept. Some testing and
trials come from God. That is the testimony of scripture. The book of Judges is
a history of God’s people in the Promised Land. In the opening portions of
Judges it states: “Now these are the nations which the Lord left, that He might test Israel by them, that is,
all who had not known any of the wars in Canaan 2 (this was
only so that the generations of the children of Israel might be taught to know
war, at least those who had not formerly known it), 3 namely, five
lords of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites
who dwelt in Mount Lebanon, from Mount Baal Hermon to the entrance of Hamath. 4
And they were left, that He might test Israel by them, to know whether
they would obey the commandments of the Lord,
which He had commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses.” (Judges 3:1-4)
God had enabled His people to take over the Promised Land and fully
occupy it (Joshua 21:43-45). But this passage in Judges tells us that God
purposely allowed some of the pagan peoples to remain. These pagan peoples
would be the source of trouble for God’s people. But God, fully aware of this,
allowed them to remain. Why did God allow these pagan nations to remain? The
answer to that question is of great value because it gives us insight into how
God ministers to us. The above passage states God allowed these pagan nations
to test His people. They would be tested in two ways.
First, God allowed the pagan adversarial nations to remain in order to
strengthen His own people (Judges 3:1-3). There was a generation of Israel that
had not lived during the conquest. They needed to learn how to fight and defend
themselves. God allowed adversaries to remain to serve this purpose. Faith is
like a muscle, it needs exercising. A muscle grows only when it is stretched
and strained to capacity, even beyond capacity. Then the muscle is fed,
nourished and rested. And when restored it will be restored larger and stronger
than before the workout.
Do you have an adversary in your life? It may be a person. It may be a
circumstance or situation God has allowed in your life. Have you asked God why
this is happening to you? It may be that God wants to strengthen you and
prepare you for a future task. Why does God allow cults to exist? Perhaps it is
that the testing that comes from confrontations with cults is a means for God
to strengthen our faith. Enlightenment and understanding comes when we are
motivated to study to prepare for ministering to cultists. How many Christians
have been motivated to study the word of God in order to be prepared for that
inevitable knock on the door from a Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon? That atheist
or skeptic you know and that is always trying to trip you up with questions may
be a tool of God to move you deeper in His word and closer to Him. God uses
adversaries to test and strengthen our faith.
Secondly, God allowed the pagan adversarial nations to remain in order
to bring us through decision to obedience (Judges 3:4). It states that God
allowed these nations to test them, “to know whether they would obey the
commandments of the LORD.” It isn’t that God needed to know this. God is
omniscient. He knows everything! What God was doing was helping His people know
what was in their hearts. It’s easy to talk a good talk, but can you walk the
God’s people were often quick to pay lip service to God. At the end of
his life Joshua challenged the people saying, “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the
gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt.
Serve the Lord! 15 And
if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord,
choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your
fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of
the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will
serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:14-15)
The people’s immediate response was, “Far be it from us that we should forsake
the LORD to serve others gods.” (Joshua 24:16). Then what did the people do?
They forsook the Lord! We see this in a repetitive cycle in Judges consisting
of sin, suffering consequences of that sin, crying out to God, God delivering
the people through a judge, rest and peace, and then the cycle happens all over
again. It’s true, talk is cheap!
Why was and is obedience so important to God? Obedience leads to blessing
(Deut. 28; Joshua 1:8). God gave the Law and the instruction of His word in
order to protect His people from danger. God instructs His people in order to
show them the way in which they can experience and maintain a close personal
eternal walk with Him. God loves us and He instructs us to show us what is best
for us. If He says “No” to something, it is only because what we are intending
to do or what we are asking for is harmful for us. He has something better for
us. When we disobey we never get God’s best. Obey God and you’ll always get His
But there’s another reason why obedience is important. Obedience is a way
of expressing our love for God. Love and obedience are connected (cf. Deut.
11:13; 30:20). Jesus said if we love Him
we will obey Him (John 14:15, 21). We
can say we love Jesus all we want, but if we are living in sin we prove
ourselves liars. You may say you love your spouse, but if you cheat on them and
commit adultery in thought or deed how valid or true is your love? Cheating on
them breaks your marriage covenant. We can rationalize and excuse ourselves but
the reality is still we have broken something precious. It is only through
repentance and actual change that reconciliation is possible. Usually that
comes through getting caught; through testing. Maybe this teaching is a test
for some of you.
God knows what is in our hearts but we don’t (Jeremiah 17:9-10; 1 John 1:8,
10). The heart is deceitful and wicked. We can only know what is really in our
heart by looking into the mirror of God’s word (James 1:22-25). God’s word
speaks of His testing. It is God’s word that tells us the truth about ourselves
(Hebrews 4:12-13). God tests us to bring us to a point of decision. When we
choose to obey Him it expresses our true love. When we choose to disobey it
exposes false love. God tests us for our own good, to strengthen our faith and
show us the truth about ourselves. God’s testing makes a way for us to
experience His best.
The psalmist was inspired to write, “For You, O God, have tested us; You
have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net; You laid
affliction on our backs. You have caused men to ride over our hearts; we went
through fire and trough water; but You brought us out to rich fulfillment”
(Psalm 66:10-12). Sometimes rich fulfillment only comes through testing.
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