“Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, ‘It is the
Lord!’” – John 21:7a
Ever feel discouraged, forgotten by the Lord? Ever get fed
up with waiting for His plan to develop or pan out and just want to chuck it? Ever
feel like putting a sign on the door that says, “Gone fishing”? Those are all
feelings we at one point or another have been tempted by. The apostle Peter and the
disciples experienced those same types of feelings.
In the beginning of the gospels Jesus called the disciples
to follow Him and He would make them fishers of men (Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17).
Jesus had fulfilled His redemptive mission of dying on the cross for the sins
of the world (John 19). His redemptive work was accepted by God and its
efficacy evidenced by the resurrection (John 20). In John 21 we have the third
post-resurrection appearance of Jesus with His disciples (John 21:14).
But there was a lull in the contact between Jesus and the
disciples. In John 21 we find Peter and six other disciples on the shores of
the Sea of Tiberius (John 21:1-2). The Sea of Tiberias is another name for the
Sea of Galilee (John 6:1). There is a third name for this body of water. The
locals call it Lake Gennesaret (Luke 5:1) which is derived from the harp shape
of this body of water (“Gennesaret” means a
harp). It’s interesting that John was moved by the Spirit to use “Sea of
Tiberias” as the designation for the Sea of Galilee here. This name is a very
secular worldly name. It contains the name of one of the Caesars. “Tiberias”
means literally from the Tiber and
refers to a river god. Sea of Tiberias fits well with what might have been
going through Peter’s and the disciples’ mind.
Peter, James and John were fishermen by trade. The passage
allows us to picture them on the shores of Tiberias waiting on the Lord. I can
see Peter sitting on the shore, pondering his recent past, wondering about the
future. He had boasted loyalty to death toward Jesus (John 13:36-38). But he
ended up sleeping when he should have been supporting Jesus in prayer (Matthew
26:36-46). Peter denied Jesus not once, but three times (John 18:15-27). Peter
had utterly failed the Lord; his Lord! He
had “wept bitterly” over that (Matthew 26:75). No doubt this was embedded in
his mind and heart like a tragic nightmare. How would the Lord respond to him
in light of his failure? Would He respond to him? Was this silence an
indication Peter would be put on the shelf by Jesus? Would Jesus still love
him? Would he, could he still have a part in serving his Lord? These thoughts
were all racing through his mind like a cat chasing its tail. Like a harbinger
of doom there was a gloom over him. Perhaps Satan was sifting him like wheat
(Luke 22:31). Finally, when he could stand it no more, he said, “I’m going
fishing” (John 21:3a).
There’s no exclamation point on the end of the words, “I’m
going fishing.” Peter simply said it, got up, and went to work. Peter was a man
of action. We see that in the gospels. He was the one who had taken a sword and
cut off the ear of Malchus when Jesus was taken into custody in Gethsemane
(John 18:10). Peter was a man of impulse. Now he just had to do something. He
reverted to what he knew best, fishing. And the others followed Peter (John
It’s never a good thing to impatiently act on impulse. If
waiting is required by the Lord it is for good reason. Perhaps He’s putting
things in place to carry out His plan. Perhaps He is waiting to teach us
something about ourselves as well as the way He works. It states, “That night
they caught nothing” (John 21:3c). When you act impatiently, impulsively, in
frustration, in your own strength, just to do something, anything, your net
will be empty. And going back to old ways even if they are the ways you feel
the most familiar with, is not the answer when it comes to the Lord. This was
an indispensable lesson Jesus wanted His disciples to learn. Waiting on the
Lord was something they would have to do regularly as they fulfilled His call
on their life. They had to learn to trust Him; even if it meant waiting in
silence. We need to learn this lesson too.
It says, “But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on
the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus” (John 21:4). Jesus
was there all the time. He always is. He waited and watched patiently as these
disciples learned the futility and frustration of acting in their own strength.
In their own strength all they got was emptiness. Now Jesus would show them a
better way; the best way. Jesus is always watching. He knows what we’re going
through. He knows how hard it is to wait on Him. But He also knows how
important it is that we do wait on Him, trust Him, follow Him, and not lunge
ahead of Him.
“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Children, have you any food?’”
(John 21:5). Jesus knew they had no food. He wanted to emphasize that reality
to them. Maybe they were aggravated by the inquiry. That they had no food to eat
was clear to anyone with eyes. He who has eyes let him see. More importantly, no
food meant they had no instrument to facilitate fellowship. He addressed them
as “children,” because they were acting like spiritually immature children. He
wanted them to grow up, be spiritual men, spiritual giants in His Kingdom
living in His fullness.
What’s the alternative to all of this? “Cast the net on the
right side of the boat, and you will find some” (John 21:6). Years before these
same fishermen had again, “toiled all night and caught nothing.” (Doesn’t say
too much about their ability to fish does it?) A “Master” told them to, “Launch
out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Peter thought the
Master’s request useless and said as much. But to be polite he complied with
the request and to their surprise hauled in a catch that nearly broke their
nets! This was Peter’s and the other’s introduction to their Master Jesus (Luke
5:1-11). Three years of ministry training taught Peter and the others to be
open to suggestions about where to cast their nets. You never know, the One
telling you to cast might be Jesus. Just like before, when they cast their net
at Jesus’ instruction they hauled in a net stretching catch.
Then cerebral John, “that disciple whom Jesus loved,” said
to Peter, “It is the Lord!” (John 21:7a). John put the pieces together of what
was happening. Any huge catch like that, “It is the Lord!” Any fruitfulness,
any full net in our life, “It is the Lord!” Remember that. That’s true in our
relationships. We can try all night with all kinds of self-reliant ingenious
ways of trying to change our spouse to our liking but without the Lord, it will
be empty efforts. That’s true in parenting, family, our jobs, careers,
education, ministry, and everything. “It,” must be, “the Lord!” to succeed. If
the Lord is not in it, empty. If the Lord is in it, full.
It was Peter who instantly, “put on his outer garment (for
he had removed it), and plunged into the sea” and made a bee-line to Jesus
(John 21:7b). I hope we are just as quick to run to Jesus when we realize our
catch is from the Lord. Fullness comes from Him. It took the six other
disciples to drag the full net toward the shore (John 21:8). But when Jesus
invited them to bring some of the fish for a fellowship meal it was big burly
Peter who had the adrenaline rush to singlehandedly drag the large fish on
shore (John 21:9-11). Peter couldn’t wait to be with Jesus. Are you like that?
Or do you let your depression or distractions of life keep you casting an empty
“Come and eat breakfast” Jesus invited (John 21:12-13). The
disciples were a bit hesitant, but they couldn’t turn down such an invitation;
especially Peter. It wasn’t until after Peter had himself been fed that Jesus
entered into a conversation about him feeding others. That’s important. We need
to feed on God’s word first, before
we are able to feed others. We need to practice the priority and discipline of
feeding ourselves spiritually on God’s word. Man doesn’t live on physical bread
alone but on every word of God (Deuteronomy 8:3). We need the solid food meat
and potatoes of God’s word. Not the cotton candy junk food of worldly
philosophy and human tradition. Not even commentaries or good Christian books
can substitute for God’s word. We need the undiluted balanced spiritual body
fuel of God’s word (e.g. Colossians 2:8-10). We need to grow up from spiritual
children’s formula feeding to the solid food of an adult diet of God’s word
(Hebrew 5:12-14).
“Jesus then came and took the bread and give it to them, and
likewise the fish” (John 21:13). Jesus wants to spend time with us. He wants us
to spend time with Him. He wants us to realize “It is the Lord!” It’s all about
Him and our relationship with Him. To the latter day lukewarm church of
Laodicea Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My
voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with
Me” (Revelation 3:20). That’s an invitation to the church! for me and for you. “It is the Lord!” But there’s a
problem. We don’t always realize “It is the Lord!” Why? What was Peter’s issue,
the problem, that Jesus was calling him to sit down and discuss? What did Peter
and the others have to learn before their nets could be filled? That is what we
will see in part two of It is the Lord!
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