Acts 2:4 - “And
they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
The born again Spirit-filled Christian has a desire to
share Jesus and the gospel. But that desire is often outweighed or countered by
a fear of sharing. This fear may be due to pride and peer pressure. It may be
due to a concern to say the right thing. It may be due to a fear of not
representing the Lord adequately or appropriately. And there are those who fear
they will not be able to answer someone’s question or show a solution to anther’s
life problem.
We need the empowering and enabling of the Holy Spirit in
order to effectively share the word of God. Jesus said the Spirit would give us
an appropriate and effective response to opponents (Mat. 10:20). The enemies of
the gospel realized the disciples had no formal education (Acts 4:13). Paul
would later write that God purposely uses those the world sees as inadequate in
order to reveal His presence (1 Cor. 1:18-31). His power is perfected in human
weakness (2 Cor. 12:9-10). That is the way God works. When we are weak, we are
therefore actually strong in Him! And that strength and boldness to speak of
God comes from the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit comes He enables us to speak
boldly and effectively for the Lord (Acts 4:31).
The baptism with the Holy Spirit here is described by the
words, “And they were all filled with
the Holy Spirit . . .” Prepositions are used to describe the Holy Spirit
“with” a person prior to conversion, “in” a person at conversion (John 14:16) and
that He comes “upon” a person at the baptism with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).
In Acts and elsewhere the word “filled” is
used as a general term to describe an experience with the Holy Spirit. The context of a passage determines whether
the use of the word “filled” refers to the initial born again conversion
infilling by the Spirit or the subsequent coming upon of the Spirit to empower
the believer for ministry.
Oftentimes we are guilty of missing the forest for the
trees. We are taken aback, confused and consumed with the speaking of tongues
we find here. But the more fundamental truth of importance is that when the Spirit comes upon us He brings
supernatural communication. It is the Holy Spirit that breaks through
the language barriers that so often hinder communication. The Spirit cuts
through cultural, financial, racial and any other barrier that might be a
hindrance to communicating the truth of the gospel and God’s word. When we
speak in the power of the Holy Spirit the Spirit speaks through us.
The miracle of the Spirit here is a miracle of
communication. It is attested to by the phrases, “everyone heard them speak in his own language. . . . we hear, each in
our own language in which we were born” (Acts 2:6-8). The Holy Spirit enabled the
listeners to understand what was being said. This is God drawing unsaved people
to Himself (e.g. John 6:44). This is grace in action. This is grace in
outreach. This is God’s grace preveniently going before and enabling sinners to
“hear” the gospel. People are saved by God’s grace (1 Cor. 15:10; Eph. 2:8-9;
Titus 3:5). Without God’s grace people would not be able to understand the
gospel. God gives every person a chance to respond to the gospel. A person can
reject or receive that gospel opportunity.
What was it that was being said? It states, “we hear them speaking in our own tongues
the wonderful works of God.” Very clearly they heard praises directed toward God. It was as though the Holy Spirit
allowed the onlookers to overhear the disciples praising God. They were
praising God for His faithfulness. They were praising God for the baptism with
the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit, through the gift of tongues
given to those who were baptized with the Holy Spirit, enabled the unsaved
to hear praises offered to God. But
when it came time to preach or teach the word of God Peter spoke clearly to the
crowd. Communication is a two-way street. Communication occurs when two parties
connect. Communication takes place when both speaking and listening with
responsiveness occurs.
At Pentecost when the Spirit came upon the believers the
Spirit enhanced the communication between God and the people by gifting the
believers with tongues as a means to praise God. The spiritual gift of tongues
is a spiritual gift that has been much abused and much maligned. To most the
gift of tongues seems mysterious at best. This is caused when tongues are
viewed predominantly on the basis of experience apart from the biblical
teaching about it. Tongues speaking is a spiritual gift given to people by the
Spirit that is valid for today. In order for it to be the blessing it was
intended to be it must be sought and used in accord with what the Lord has
revealed about it in His word.
It’s interesting that of the 1,189 chapters in the Bible, just 7 chapters contain a mention of
tongues (Isaiah 28:11; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:1-13; 10:46; 19:6; 1 Corinthians 12
and 14). Some view tongues as the
sign of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. However, there is evidence that
tongues is not the exclusive sign of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. For instance
when the Holy Spirit came upon the Ephesian disciples they “spoke with tongues
and prophesied” (Acts 19:6). Two gifts are mentioned here. The topic of tongues
has been a source of much controversy. We
should not overemphasize tongues. We should not ignore tongues. We should study
it and come to a scriptural conclusion about tongues.
The spiritual gift of tongues is a prayer enhancement. It
enables a person to prayerfully praise God. God does not use tongues to speak
to people or “give a word.” Any word given through spiritual gifting would
involve the gift of knowledge, wisdom, prophecy, evangelism or teaching (cf. 1 Co. 12
and 14; Romans 12). Tongues is an intimate enablement to, by the Spirit, direct
loving praises to God. Tongues enables us to speak love and praise to our Abba
Father in heaven. It’s a wonderful gift that helps us express our love to God. “For
he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God” (1 Cor. 14:2a).
Speaking in tongues edifies the tongue speaker (1 Cor.
14:4). But it does not necessarily edify the person who is within earshot of
the spoken tongue. This is because the tongue language spoken is not readily
understandable. Paul says of tongues heard by others, “for no one understands
him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries” (1 Cor. 14:2b). The only way
tongues can be edifying to others is if someone with the gift of interpretation
of tongues interprets what is spoken in a tongue.
In a congregational setting Paul limits speaking in tongues
to “two or at the most three, each in turn, and let one interpret” (1 Cor.
14:27-28). This is an area where churches have most frequently crossed the
line. There are churches where the entire congregation is invited to speak in
tongues. Frequently there is no interpretation. The result is chaos. To this we
cite scripture which states, “For God is not the author of confusion but of
peace, as in all the churches of the saints. . . . Let all things be cone
decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:33, 40). This is the scripturally God-ordained
pattern of the use of tongues in the church.
The other extreme that is just as unscriptural is forbidding
the speaking of tongues or denying its validity for today. Paul says, “Therefore,
brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak with tongues”
(1 Cor. 14:39). There is a setting for tongues to be spoken. Tongues should not
be spoken in a disorderly way where the gifted teaching or preaching of the
word of God is interrupted. But there should be an opportunity for tongues to
be spoken; perhaps in afterglow services. Privately, like Paul, we can “speak
with tongues more than you all” (1 Cor. 14:18). Paul’s qualifier is, “yet in
church I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may teach
others also, then ten thousand words in a tongue” (1 Cor. 14:19).
The important point in all of this is that the Holy Spirit
enables us to communicate when He comes upon us. If we were going to point to
one particular evidence of the Spirit’s power in our speaking it would have to
be God’s truth spoken in love (Eph. 4:15). When the Spirit enters our lives God’s
love is poured out into our hearts (Rom. 5:5). That love compels us to reach
out to the lost. That love gives us a servant’s heart. That love moves us to be
God’s ambassadors calling the unsaved to be reconciled to God (2 Cor. 5:14-21).
That is what underlies the world changing, world impacting, and world reaching
ministry in Acts. Love never fails (1 Cor. 13:8). That is powerful. That is
what we need today. When the Spirit comes He will revive the church. And that
revival will manifest itself in praise to God and God’s truth spoken in love to
the lost. O come Holy Spirit we need You! Come in Your glorious power!
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