Why isn’t
the church making sufficient impact in the world today? There are churches with
large numbers of people, but these large numbers of people frequently do not
equate with a proportionally changed world. There are studies that show little
difference between those in and outside the church. Studies don’t always
reflect reality. But still, we look at our own nation and see it trending
toward an acceptance and toleration of what scripture would define as gross
sin. Where is our holy effect? Much of “the church” is changing to fit the mold
of society instead of changing society. The early church turned the world
upside down. Today the church is being turned upside down by the world. Why is
this? What’s missing in the church today?
The names of the disciples were “written in heaven” (Luke
10:20; compare with Rev. 20:15; 21:27). They were apparently drawn by the
Father to Jesus (John 6:44). They had forsaken all to follow Him (Mark
10:28-30). Jesus sent them out with power to heal, cast out demons, and do
mighty signs (Mat. 10:5-8; Mark 6:8-13; Luke 9:2-6; 12:2-10). They were
pronounced “clean” by Jesus (Jn. 13:10; 15:3; compare with James 1:18 and 1
Peter 1:23). They were the branches of Jesus the Vine (John 15:5). They were
“given” to Jesus by the Father “out of the world” (Jn. 17:6). They kept Jesus’
word (Jn. 17:6). Jesus said “they have known that all things which You have
given Me are from You” (Jn. 17:7). They had experienced change and come close
to Jesus.
The disciples received heaven sent illumination. Peter
received Divine revelation (Mat. 16:16-18). Jesus said, “they have received”
His words (Jn. 17:8). They believed Jesus had the words of eternal life (John
6:68). Jesus said, “they have known surely that I came forth from You” (Jn.
17:8). Earlier Jesus said He is “known by My own” (John 10:14). Jesus said, “they
have believed” (Jn. 17:8). Jesus said “these have known that You sent Me” i.e.
known the Father (Jn. 17:25). Jesus said those who believe in Him have
everlasting life (John 6:47).
The disciples believed Jesus was “the Christ, the Son of the
living God” (John 6:69). Jesus said, “they are Yours” i.e. the Father’s and
“Mine” i.e. Jesus’ (Jn. 17:9-10). They were given by the Father to Jesus (Jn.
17:11). Jesus “kept them” and “none of
them is lost” (except Judas) (Jn. 17:12). Jesus said, “they are not of the
world, just as I am not of the world” (Jn. 17:14, and 16). Jesus called, they
followed (Mat. 4:19-20). They were commissioned by Jesus to fulfill His Great
Commission (Mat. 28:18-20).
These disciples had come under the influence of Jesus and
opened to the Spirit. Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the
Holy Spirit” (John 20:22). They had “great joy” and praised the Lord in the
Temple before Pentecost (Luke
24:51-53). They prayed with one accord together while waiting for the Promise
of the Father (Acts 1:14).
In light of all of
this, there can be little doubt that these disciples were saved, born again, and
regenerated by the Spirit of God before Pentecost. Why is it
important that we see that the disciples were born again and saved prior to
Pentecost? These disciples, (some of
whom became Jesus’ apostles) received the best possible seminary education.
They spent three years with the greatest Teacher of all time and eternity. They
witnessed Jesus teaching, His miracles of healing (the blind made to see; the
lame made to walk; lepers healed); they saw Jesus walk on water and still the storm;
they participated in Jesus feeding 4,000 and 5,000 with a few morsels of food.
They saw Jesus give His life in the atoning death on the cross. They saw Him
rise from the dead, just as He said He would. Then finally they saw Him ascend
into heaven. They heard and saw all of this and
still they were not prepared or suited to go out into the mission field to
fulfill the Great Commission. They retreated to an upper room.
Jesus said they needed something more before they went out on His Great Commission. Who of us or anyone
since these pre-Day-of-Pentecost times could claim a better preparation for
ministry and life than the disciples of Jesus? What did they need? They needed
the baptism with the Holy Spirit. How much more do we need this empowerment?
The Book of Acts is all about what happens when Jesus sends
the Spirit upon His people. The birth of the church and the acts of the
apostles are all incidental to the coming of the Spirit. Education and even
experience alone are not enough to prepare one for ministry and service to the
Lord. According to Jesus His apostles and disciples needed to be empowered by
the Holy Spirit. The testimony of the Book of Acts confirms this. The means of
empowerment referred to by Jesus is the
baptism with the Holy Spirit.
The baptism with the Holy Spirit is
definite and knowable experience. Jesus told the apostles and disciples to
“tarry” or wait in Jerusalem until they received the Baptism with the Holy
Spirit (Luke 24:49). This command would have been nonsensical unless it was
possible for those waiting to know when
they had received what Jesus told them to wait for. If the apostles and
disciples could be baptized with the Holy Spirit and not know it, then they
wouldn’t know how long to wait.
Later in Acts
Paul asks the Ephesian disciples, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you
believed?”(Acts 19:2, 6; cf. also Acts 8:14-17). Paul is speaking of something after their initial conversion. Paul’s
inquiry shows us receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit is a necessary, important
and a recognizable subsequent experience. The Baptism is subsequent to
regeneration and being born of the Spirit. A person cannot receive this Promise
of the Father unless they have first been born again and indwelled by the Holy
In R.A.
Torrey’s book, The Baptism with the Holy
he emphatically states that the
baptism with the Holy Spirit is always connected with service (Acts 1:4-5, 8;
2:4; 4:31, 33). The power of the Holy Spirit manifests itself through His spiritual gifting determined
by His sovereign will for the benefit of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:4, 8-11).
In Acts
15:8-9 Peter describes the baptism with the Holy Spirit saying, “So God, who
knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He
did to us, and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts
by faith.” Peter associated the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with empowering heart
purification received by faith.
baptism with the Holy Spirit is received by faith. Therefore, like in Acts,
humbly pray and repent of sin. Then ask the Lord for it. God wants to bless us
with the Spirit (Luke 11:13). This promise is for us just as much as it was for
the early disciples (Acts 2:39). If we know it is God’s will, then ask and
receive by faith (1 John 5:14-15). Just believe and receive (Mark 11:24).
What keeps
the church from turning the world upside down? What are we missing? We are
missing the power and purity of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Like the
early church we need to get serious in prayer. We need to sit down and wait for
the baptism with the Holy Spirit. We have impulsively gone out ahead of the
Spirit. We have chased worldly tactics. We have been distracted from what is
most important and necessary to represent God effectively. Like a soldier running
to battle naked instead of arrayed in their full battle dress, we are trying to
fight metal with flesh. We need the full armor, the full provision of God. Search
the scriptures. We need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. God revive us. Baptize
us with Your Holy Spirit and fire. Glorify Yourself in and through us.
R.A. Torrey, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House
Pub. 1972).
Excellent Pastor "C" excellent......without this I would have been toast trying to live and serve Jesus today......Thanks for service and your heart for Him.