The Shepherd of Hope blog is here to serve you, to help you know Jesus better and to find hope in Him. This blog relies on the Spirit of God using the word of God to build people of God. All material has been prayerfully submitted for your encouragement and spiritual edification. Your questions and comments are welcome.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Does God See When He Looks at You?

What Does God See When He Looks at You? In Psalm 33 it states, “The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works” (Psalm 33:13-15). When God looks at you, what does He see? When it says that God “fashions” (יָצַר - yâtsar, yaw-tsar’) it means that God molds or squeezes into shape like a potter does to a piece of pottery he is making. God uses the circumstances and the stuff of life to mold you. How is His work in you coming along? Have you considered His work in you? Scripture tells us that God has a plan for each of us (e.g. Jer. 29:11-14; Eph. 2:10).

In his book Measure Your Life – 17 Ways to Evaluate Your Life from God’s Perspective Wesley L. Duewel points out that the Lamb’s Book of Life contains the names of every believer (cf. Exodus 32:32-33; Psalm 69:28; Daniel 12:1; Luke 10:20; Philippians 4:3; Revelation 20:12; 21:27). He also points out that there are other books that keep a detailed record of our lives (Psalm 87:6; Daniel 7:10; Revelation 20:12). He mentions that a “scroll of remembrance” is written and kept concerning those who fear the Lord and honor His name. He quotes Malachi which states:

Malachi 3:16, 18- 16 Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the LORD And who meditate on His name. . . . 18 Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, Between one who serves God And one who does not serve Him.

Do you fear and honor God? Do you meditate on His name? What is in your section of God’s book of remembrance? Duewel goes on to list ten areas of information that, based on scripture, will be sources of information in each of our records. These areas are worth taking note of and are as follows:

1. Your whole life – Romans 14:10-12; I Corinthians 3:11-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Peter 4:5.
2. Your words – Psalm 19:14; Malachi 3:16; Matthew 12:36-37
3. Your thoughts – Proverbs 15:26; 19:14; 94:11; 139:2, 23; Isaiah 55:7; Matthew 9:4; 15:19; Romans 2:15-16; Hebrews 4:12.
4. Your secrets – Ecclesiastes 12:14; Romans 2:16
5. Your motives – Proverbs 16:2; 1 Corinthians 4:5
6. Your tears – Psalm 56:8
7. Your prayers – Revelation 5:8; 8:3-4
8. Your gifts to God – Philippians 4:17-18; Hebrews 13:16
9. Your helping others – Matthew 24:34-40
10. Your visiting those who need you – Matthew 24:34-40

This is only a very brief summary of some of the areas upon which our heavenly records are being assembled. We are not saved on the basis of any work we do, but rewards will be given out in heaven. They will be based on how we live once we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord. Looking at those ten areas of assessment, how do you think you would fare? What do you think is written in your book? Be honest. In some parts maybe there would be less written than you would have liked, such as in your tears and prayers for the lost, your gifts to God or dealing with others sacrificially. In other areas there may be more written than you would have liked such as in your thoughts, secrets and motives. When Jesus appears it will be very revealing to us and for us.

In Hebrews it states: “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things re naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account” (Hebrews 4:13). There is a day of accounting on the horizon. Are you mindful of that? Are you concerned with that? Have you been living and investing your life in a way that will pay dividends on judgment day? Are you fearful of the impending day of accounting or do you look forward to it? Remember what has already been said, this one life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.
If the Lord appeared right now, would you have regrets about how you lived your life in Christ? Would you be excited to present to Him all you have done for His glory? Or would you hang your head in regret and shame because you stand naked before Him with nothing to show your loving appreciation for all He has done for you? Which group are you in?

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