The Shepherd of Hope blog is here to serve you, to help you know Jesus better and to find hope in Him. This blog relies on the Spirit of God using the word of God to build people of God. All material has been prayerfully submitted for your encouragement and spiritual edification. Your questions and comments are welcome.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Christian Palestinianism -

The following teaching is something every Bible believing lover of Israel needs to view and be aware of. Christian Palestinianism is false, unbiblical, bigoted, and a blasphemous movement that is creeping into the church, the evangelical chuch. There is a perspective and teaching being endorsed and promoted in the church that is anti-Jewish and anti-Israel and in reality anti-Bible.

One consequence of this teaching is to usher in Chrislam which is a warped and perverse melding together of Christianity and Islam. The Land of Israel therefore becomes The Land of Palestine.Jesus is no longer Jewish, He is Palestinian. Jesus is the first martyred Palestinaian! Israel is seen not as a small minority nation defending itself against nearly 300 million enemies, but as practicing apartheid against Palestinians. What was once exposed as Replacement Theology is now promoted as Fulfillment Theology.

Don't be deceived. Some of the purveyors of such religious pornography are merely trying to hide their cowardice in shrinking from standing for Christ and His gospel. They fear Islam. They hide behind a veil of tolerance and unity. Others are simply antisemitic. Still others are caught up in an imbalanced view of the Church rooted in the Replacement Theology of Reformed Theology.

Make no mistake about it, this is a latter day deception (1 Timothy 4:1). There are Jewish people who themselves are caught up in this deception and committing national suicide in supporting their enemies. Israel and her supporters are being smeared with every kind of negative and repulsive word labels and propaganda. Go to the word. Don't be deceived. Take a stand for the Lord and His word. Watch this video and be prepared and equipped. Pray and be empowered by the Spirit. Then, put His armor on and take a stand for Israel and the word of God (Eph. 6:10-18).


  1. Thank you for writing on this issue. Anti-Semitism is alive and well under the label "anti-zionism" and the church needs to stand up for biblical truth. Not all Jews will share in the inheritance, but he has a remnant and many Jews are coming to Christ. The devil hates God's people and is working through these perverse ideologies to devour many. I believe Islam is truly the beast as it denies the deity of Jesus and indoctrinates hatred of Jews. But God's word stands and Jesus is victor!

  2. That we would heed the admonition given at the close of the teaching from Psalm 83 to pray for those who have been swept up in such deception.
