"Let us
therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the
same example of the disobedient" - Hebrews 4:11
Hebrews chapter 3 and 4 Jews who had accepted Jesus as their Messiah were
contemplating a return to the religious human reliant ways of their Jewish
tradition and laws. In these chapters they were warned against leaving God's
place of "rest" for a wilderness life. As a backdrop illustration to
such sin Paul references the conquest of the Promised Land. This conquest has a
great deal of valuable principles for living.
Promised Land spoken of in the Old Testament and referenced in the New
Testament is a type or symbol of the
abundant Spirit filled life promised by Jesus. When we look to the Old
Testament account of how God's people came into the Promised Land therefore,
there is a great deal of spiritual insight for us to gather in and apply to
called Abraham to go to a "land that I will show you" (Gen. 12:1).
This "land" was to be God's gift to His people, a place flowing with
milk and honey and the blessing of His presence (Deut. 6:3). It was a place
where God's people would find rest and peace in the presence of the Lord. God
promised Abraham and his descendants this land.
Promised Land was a geographical location with real boundaries in the Old
Testament. But that is not all it was. It was to be a place where God will
dwell with His people. God called His people out of the world of Egypt to go to
the Promised Land to meet with Him in fellowship (cf. Exodus). Along the way He
led them with a pillar of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night. He was
there leading them. He also provided a Tabernacle where they could experience
His presence. God desires for His people to be with Him, in His presence.
the New Testament the Promised Land remains a physical geographical destination
prophetically promised to God's people. But in the New Testament the Promised Land
is mostly used to describe a state of heart and mind. This does not preclude
God leading us personally to a geographical location today in our lives. He
very well might lead us to experience both in His process of fulfilling His
plans and will in and through us. But while the material Land is important, the
spiritual state of being it points us to is more important. The Land will pass
away, our relationship with God will not. We should keep this in mind as we
study on.
of the Old Testament is a "shadow" of things to come or a symbol of greater spiritually eternal
truths (cf. Col. 2:16-17; Heb. 10:1). For instance the sacrificial lamb of the
Old Testament is a type of Jesus. The Old Testament priest is symbolic of the
priestly role of Jesus. The Temple symbolizes how we approach the most holy
presence of God. The feast days speak to us about various redemptive events to
come in Christ. And the Promised Land is symbolic of the Spirit filled abundant
life we can have walking by faith in Jesus.
are three conquests or approaches of the Promised Land for us to consider in
our study. In the first approach, Abraham the man of faith, follows the Lord by
faith into the Promised Land (Gen. 12-13). In the second approach, led by
Moses, the people missed out on the Land because of unbelief (Numbers 13-14).
In the third approach, led by Joshua, the people were able to enter the Land
(Joshua 3-4). Importantly we are told in the New Testament that Moses is
symbolic of the ways of the law and Joshua - whose name is closely associated
with the name of Jesus - is a type of Jesus (cf. John 1:17). We don't enter the
Promised Land by human efforts or works to keep laws. We enter the Promised
Land by grace through faith in Jesus.
we inductively look at these passages we find a great deal of important treasure
truths about living a life in Christ that is filled with the presence and
promise of God. When we look at these conquests we learn about how to identify God's
Promised Land before us as well as how to enter it and live in it. You see
there is a Promised Land place of "rest" to experience now in Christ
(Hebrews 3 and 4). This is a place where we no longer live relying on our
works. We do work in this Land. There are battles to be fought. There are tests
and trials in this place. But it is a place where like our Forerunner Jesus we
can be at peace even though storms are raging around us (e.g. Mark 4:38). This
is not a rest of laziness or a lack of care as some might assume. It is a
place, a state of mind and condition of the heart that is completely at rest in
the Lord. It is a place of complete
trust in the Lord; complete surrender to the Lord. It's a beautiful place and
it is God's promise to us. So what is this Promised Land of rest and how do we
enter into it?
First, God's promised land
is revealed by Him to us. Abraham wasn't looking for a particular land to venture too.
Abraham was minding his own business livin' the life. But God interrupted his
life with a call to go to a land that He would show him (Gen. 12). God spoke
this call to Abraham. God still speaks today. The Holy Spirit speaks to the
human heart today (cf. Romans 8:26-27; 1 Cor. 2:9-16).
God would confirm the promise of His land to Abraham and his descendants by
inspiring Moses to write words of God that contained opportunity for a covenant
with God as well as a promised land. He speaks to us today through His word, by
Jesus, by the Holy Spirit (Psalm 119; Hebrews 1:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). God is
speaking. God is calling. Are you listening?
Second, God's promised land
calls us to respond in faith. This call to the Promised Land required faith from Abraham
(e.g. Romans 4; Heb. 11). It required obedience and a willingness to sacrifice
from Abraham. This obedient faith of Abraham reveals he was a man of faith who
had a relationship with God. Abraham's faith suited him to be looked at by God and called to
such a venture in faith. Abraham was living in a way that he was unaware such a
call was coming, but nevertheless prepared him to follow such a call when it
came. If we want to reach the Promised Land of God we will have to be alert, to
be people who walk in faith and are ready to receive His revelation. How about
you, how would you respond to an interruption of your life by God; to His call?
Third, God's promised land
is a place He leads us to. God didn't give Abraham a five or ten year plan. God didn't
give Abraham any old fashioned map or any modern GPS coordinates or address to
the land. God simply said, "Get out," and "I will show you"
the "land," the place "I want you to be." In the New
Testament Jesus similarly called people to "Follow Me" (e.g. Mark
1:17). If you're going to reach the Promised Land you have to step out in faith
and follow the Lord.
this we learn from Abraham that if someone is ever to reach this destination of
God their faith relationship with Him needs to be a current and constant.
Abraham would have to walk with God, day by day, moment by moment, by faith.
How's your walk with God, is it current, is it constant?
Fourth, God's promised land is
a place He leads us too over time. Abraham would follow the Lord to the Promised Land of
Canaan. He would live there. But life would lead his descendants from the land
into an Egyptian bondage. Hundreds of years would pass before God's people
would be brought again to the Land of God's promise. God's timetable is
different from that of human beings. Human beings have a limited life span and
so tend to rush through life. They have biological clocks and appointments to
keep. God has divine appointments. But there are no clocks in eternity where
the Eternal One resides. Therefore His sense of timing and scheduling is
different and often conflicts with ours.
tend to see God's timing as making us wait. God's timing makes us nervous. We
frequently deal with God's prolonged timings by becoming anxious. This anxiety
often leads us to succumb to the temptation to act in our own understanding. Abraham
and his wife Sarah and future generations would learn this the hard way (cf. Gen.
16). Impatience leads to lunging out ahead of the Lord without the Lord. That
is never a good thing. If we want to reach the Promised Land we need to
remember God's timing is always right; it
is always perfect; Gods' timing is always best.
Fifth, God's promised land is a place whose journey
begins with deliverance. God called His people out of Egyptian bondage. The road to
deliverance from Egypt led through a miraculously parted Red Sea. This was how
their journey to the Promised Land began. Typologically, Egypt represents the
enslavement in sin in the world. God calls us out of this and miraculously delivers
us from this slavery. Passing through the Red Sea is a type of baptism. The
journey to the Promised Land begins as we are saved from the slavery of sin and
baptized into newness of life in Christ by the spiritual second birth of the
Holy Spirit (e.g. John 3).
Sixth, God's promised land
is a place which requires we cross wilderness to get to it. It was in the wilderness that God's people
learned to depend on God. It was in the wilderness that God's people complained
and rebelled revealing their fleshly sin nature ways. God's people had to be
taught to follow Him, to depend on Him. The wilderness served this purpose. But
God never intended them to remain in the wilderness. He always purposed to bring them through the wilderness.
we've received Jesus as Savior and experienced the second birth there will be a
time of spiritual growth where we need to learn to depend on God and walk with
Him by faith. It will be a time with growing pains spiritually. While this is
part of God's purpose for us, and we will always be growing in our walk with
Him, He wants to bring us through this wilderness. God wants to bring us
through to a better place. The saddest thing is when people choose to settle in
the wilderness never growing in their faith and never continuing to pass into
God's Promised Land. The wilderness is a place of settling for less, of fear,
of struggle. Does that describe your walk with the Lord? Maybe He would have
you move on with Him.
Seventh, God's promised land
is a place He invites us to investigate. In Numbers 13 when Moses and the people of Israel have
come through the wilderness God instructs Moses to select a "spy"
from each tribe to go into and check out the Promised Land. Faith is never
blind. Taking a "leap of faith" like Soren Kierkegaard coined is not
scripturally sound advice. God called Abraham to follow Him. God didn't give
Abraham a map or address to the Land but Abraham was not blindly following God. Abraham had the voice of the Lord, the
presence of the Lord, and the unfolding evidence of God's working to guide his
faith. Abraham was not blind to the fingerprints and footprints of God in his
as God invited Moses to send spies into the Land to confirm His truth and
promise about the Land, we are invited by God to investigate His promises in His
word as it plays out in life. God does keep some things secret. That is more
for our protection and safety than any wrong intent on God's part. God has
revealed what we need to know. And that is our part of His promise to us (cf. Deut.
29:29). God has invited us to investigate the truth about His Promised Land for
our lives. If you aren't clear or are uncertain, do some investigation and
research to see if God's promises are true. God invites you to do that. Go for
Eighth, God's promised land
is a place of abundance. "Abundant" is probably the best way to describe
God's Promised Land. When the spies returned they reported it was true, the
Land "truly flows with milk and honey" (Num. 13:27). Jesus spoke of
"abundant life" (John 10:10). Paul spoke of "exceedingly
abundantly" (Eph. 3:20). Paul spoke of a strength in Jesus by which we
could accomplish whatever God called us to do (Phil. 4:13). Peter spoke of
"His divine power," by which we might be "partakers of the
divine nature" (2 Peter 1:3-4). John spoke of the possibility that "your
joy may be full" (1 John 1:4), and being pure "as He is pure" (1
John 3:3), and of "perfect love" (1 John 2:5; 4:12, 17-18). We might
not understand or have experienced all of that, but certainly it sounds like
something abundantly wonderful! That is God's Promised Land for us.
Ninth, God's promised land
is a place that involves temptations to be cowardly fearful and challenges to be
courageously faithful. When the spies came back they all agreed that the Land of
Promise was a place filled with abundance and blessing. But they also agreed,
"Nevertheless, the people who dwell in the land are strong; the cites are
fortified and very large. . . . The land . . . devours its inhabitants. . . all
the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. There we saw giants. . .
and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their
sight" (Num. 13:28, 32-33). There is evidence that the inhabitants of
Canaan were indeed very large people. We know Jericho was a city with great
walls. All of this was a true assessment. But the problem was how they resonded
to these observable facts.
Promised Land of God is not without adversaries and battles. It is a place of
the presence of God in the midst of such
adversaries and battles. That's why this is not a type of heaven. There are no more
battles in heaven. But in the Promised Land state of being with God you are at
rest as you battle and take ground. You are at rest as you trust in God to
fight for you and provide for you. That's the difference. You are "more
than a conqueror" (Romans 8:37-39). A conqueror enters battle, even
bravely, even willing to give their life for the cause, but they are uncertain
of the outcome. Someone who is "more than a conqueror" knows the outcome of the battle; is assured
of the victory and fights on confidently, restfully, peacefully and
courageously with this in mind and heart. That assuring certainty comes
from their relationship with God and from His word. It's not a matter of
whether or not there will be battles and trials and challenges in life. It's a
matter of how you handle such things, or rather, how you surrender to God to
handle such things. That's the difference. In the Promised Land you rest in His will.
of the spies presented a "bad report" or discouraging report to the
people (Num. 13:3). Their eyes were on the potential problems and the
limitations of the people. Two however, Joshua and Caleb, presented the facts
in light of the power and Person of God. These two said, "Let us go up at
once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it. . . . If the
LORD delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, 'a
land which flows with milk and honey.'"(Num. 13:30; 14:8). It was all a
matter of perspective. Ten spies kept their eyes down and saw life without God.
They were fools failing to factor God into their life equation(cf. Psalm
14:1ff.). Ten along with the majority of the people chose to be cowardly
fearful. They turned away from trusting in God. It wasn't that the foes in the
land weren't indeed fearsome. They probably were. But their small faith made
them look like grasshoppers. These chose fear and their fear drove them to
"rebel against the LORD" (Num. 14:9).
on the other hand looked at the life circumstances with God as the Greatest Factor. To them these
formidable and real obstacles and enemies were "our bread." They
knew, they believed, they trusted that God would help them gobble their enemies
up and possess the Promised Land. They trusted in God's word. They chose faith.
The others distrusted God. Joshua and Caleb chose to be courageously faithful.
Because they trusted God and looked at life through His capabilities and
resources they would have gone up against an army of King Kong's.
Tenth, God's promised land
is a place that not everyone enters. The ten spies and the majority of the people who chose
to fear and follow them all were disciplined by God by being barred from
entering the Promised Land. Only Joshua
and Caleb and the next generation of people would enter the Promised Land.
Those who had "rebelled" against God and His Promise would wander in
the wilderness until they died off.
fearful faithless rebels would wander near forty years in a wilderness that
some calculate should have taken them mere days to cross through. Those who
choose to rebel against God in fear wander and spend their lives spinning their
wheels. They never progress to where they should have been, could have been.
Part of the discipline for such faithless rebellion is not only the lost
opportunity of living in His Promise, but it is the conscious awareness and regret for such a faithless rebellion.
God through Moses rebuked their unbelief and informed them of the consequence
for their sin, it states, "the people mourned greatly" (Numbers
14:39). They even confessed and admitted their sin. Then they tried to right
their wrong by trying to take the Land in their own strength. They failed
miserably. That's because you can't enter or take the Promised Land by human
strength. It isn't by our might or by our power but by the Spirit of God and
His power that we enter the Land (Zech. 4:6). We can't and don't enter on our
terms. To enter we must submit to Him.
interceded on behalf of the people and God limited His discipline. With God "Mercy
triumphs over judgment. . . . The Lord is very compassionate and merciful"
(James 2:13; 5;12). God could have wiped
out these rebels. But He did not. He did discipline them though. He did bar
them from the Promised Land. They would lose this incredibly gracious
opportunity and blessing of God. But thanks be to God we are no longer under
law but under grace.
if we confess our sin God forgives us (1 John 1:9). The blood of Jesus is able
to wash away our sins and keep us in fellowship with Him (1 John 1:7). James
was inspired to write "Let him know that he who turns a sinner from the
error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of
sins" (James 5:20). If we repent of our faithlessness and humbly come
before God, perhaps He will cover such sin and remember the words of His
prophet through whom He said, "So I will restore to you the years that the
swarming locust has eaten" (Joel 2:25). God disciplines those He loves
(Heb. 12). But the God of grace will give the repentant rebel grace too. Have
faith. Seek God. Trust and obey. There is no other way. And there is always
hope with the God of hope (Romans 15:4, 13).
is this critical decision of faith or fear that Paul in Hebrews uses as a
historical backdrop to illustrate the importance of trusting God and entering
that state of rest in Him (Heb. 3-4). It is a magnificent eternal blessing to
experience a second birth, a spiritual birth, forgiveness for our sins and
eternal life in Christ with God. But that is only the beginning of a life Jesus
described as abundant. How's your life in Christ? Would you describe it as
abundant? Have you come to a crossroad where there is a formidable challenge
before you. Are those fearsome challenges to your faith threatening to keep you
from a promised land you just know God is calling you too? You have a choice to
make. You can choose to be a foolish rebel grasshopper or step up in courageous
faith into the glory of God's presence and provision. What's it going to be? Here's
one last option for you to consider.
Lastly, God's promised land
is a place we can enter by faith. When the faithless fearful rebellious generation died
off and the mantel had been passed from Moses to Joshua, it was time to enter
the Land. Joshua had big shoes to fill. He was Moses' successor. Moses was the preeminent
leader of God's people to this point in history. This must have been
intimidating to Joshua. The weight of responsibility for leading God's people
into the Promised Land was on him. Joshua must have been tempted to fear. Why
else would God repeatedly affirm him and encourage him to, "Be strong and
of good courage" (Joshua 1:6, 7, 9).
instructed Joshua, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth,
but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do
according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way
prosperous, and then you will have good success" (Joshua 1:9). Trust in
God and obey His word. That was the key to entering God's Promised Land. And
that's exactly what Joshua did. He instructed the priests to lead on with the
Ark of the Covenant. To enter the Land they needed to cross the Jordan River when
its' waters were at flood level. But by faith and in obedience to God the
priests stepped into the rushing Jordan and the waters parted, just as the Red
Sea had parted. And they entered in.
Hebrews 4 Paul opens the chapter concluding, "Therefore, since a promise
remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come
short of it" (Heb. 4:1). If "a promise remains of entering His
rest," then God must be speaking of a rest different from the original Old
Testament crossing of the Jordan into the physical Promised Land. There is a
rest of God for us today.
those who might be confused or tempted to fear Paul, just like God did for
Joshua, points us to "the word of God" which is "living and
powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division
of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of the heart" (Heb. 4:12). Our sword for the battles
of the Promised Land is the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God (cf.
Eph. 6:17). This sword, while "sharper than any two-edged sword" is
not for physical altercations. It should never be used to hack at others like
an explorer hacks with a machete through thick underbrush. This sword of the
Spirit is for battles in the heart over the Promised Land.
living and powerful word of God used in the power of the Holy Spirit and
according to the Commander of the Lord's armies Jesus (cf. Joshua 5) will help
us when doubts, fears, temptations, threatening obstacles, trials, and anything
else threatens us or presents itself as an opponent or obstacle of God's
promised rest. I hope and pray by now you see this. It's not about us, it's
about Him. Rest in Jesus. Rest in His work. Rest in His ways and will. Rest in
His timing and place. Rest in His plans. Take a deep breath. Have faith. Trust
Him currently and constantly. Grab your sword and get ready for battle. Get
ready to step in and through the Jordan before you. "Let us therefore be
diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of
the disobedient" (Heb. 4:11).
don't ever forget these words as you journey to God's Promised Land for you: "Seeing
then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus
the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For
we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was
in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let
us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and
find grace to help in time of need" (Heb. 4:14-16). Jesus is with you. Trust
in Jesus. Talk to Jesus. Lean on Jesus. Follow Jesus. By God's grace through
faith in Jesus identify and enter God's Promised Land for you. Amen.